Sexually transmitted disease - STD
Sexually transmitted diseases are the diseases that are obtained through sexual activities. Each man, without exception, could be infected by some of the sexually transmitted diseases. No matter if a person has vaginal, anal or oral sex, the signs always appear if they get infected. In most cases, these symptoms are not very obvious.
However, it is very important for every man to consult his doctor, if he just suspects that he might be infected by some of the sexually transmitted diseases. If the symptoms are recognized in the beginning, then the treatment is prompt and the man can be cured completely very fast.
Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases in men
Gonorrhea is one of the STDs, and this infection is caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The most common symptoms of gonorrhea in men are burning sensation during urination and yellow or green discharge from penis. Furthermore, a man with this infection may have swollen testicles with pain. The most frequent rectal symptoms of gonorrhea in men are anal itching and bleeding along with painful bowel movement. This infection must be treated immediately, because otherwise, it can cause epididymytis, which is a medical term for the painful testicle ducts. Epididymytis is a very serious condition that can induce infertility in men.Chlamydia is another sexually transmitted disease, which is caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. The most frequent symptoms of this infection are burning sensation during urination, itching and burning around the penis opening and discharge from penis. Discharge, bleeding and pain in rectum are the signs when this infection spreads to the rectum. In the case of oral sex, the bacteria can reach throat.Genital herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus and herpes simplex virus 2. The common symptom of genital herpes is the outbreak of herpes blisters on the genital and anal region. In the beginning, they can be very painful, but this pain gradually weakens.Syphilis is very serious sexually transmitted disease and in most cases, the symptoms of this infection appear after many years. Syphilis is a disease that has several stages. In the primary stage the symptom is a single sore, which is named a chancre. In the second stage, the rash appears on skin along with the mucus membranes. Fever, swollen lymph glands and hair loss, as well as headache, weight loss and tiredness occur in the next stage. The final stage has no obvious and visible symptoms, although the organism is infected and the infection spreads to every system in the body causing the death eventually.The most common symptoms of Human Immunodeficiency Virus are fever, sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. Furthermore, a man with this virus may experience diarrhea, fatigue, mouth sores and rashes.
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