Why Do We Feel Dizzy upon Standing up?
Some of us experience this phenomenon,for many different reasons. When everything in our body functionsgreat, it notices that, upon us standing up, most of our blood rushesinto our feet, due to the force of gravity. However, since ourorganism reacts timely to this phenomenon, it regulates the bloodpressure and keeps the blood circulating nevertheless. Whenever thisdoes not happen, we are bound to experience dizziness upon standingup.
Causes of Dizziness upon Standing up
One of many possible causes of thisproblem is the lack of blood volume in our organism. This could havehappened due to a blood loss triggered by an injury like a severingof an artery, trauma to the liver, spleen or ruptures in the veinsand arteries.
Sometimes, people with weak hearts areunable to pump the blood fast enough in order to avoid thisphenomenon. Subsequently, they are bound to experience dizziness mostof the times they change their positions from sitting to standing.
Additionally, once our organism is lowon water, it reduces our blood pressure, leading to this dizzinesswhich takes place under the above mentioned circumstances. Therefore,in order to avoid dizziness upon standing up, it is very important todrink sufficient amounts of water, compensating for your losses,making your blood pressure optimal, keeping this dizziness at bay.
Yet, if your dizziness while standingup is accompanied by fever, shaking and chills, confusion ordecreased urination, you might be suffering from sepsis. This diseaseis our body's reaction to a bacterial infestation it has been exposedto. In such a situation, our immune system releases chemicals whichlower our blood pressure, triggering the dizziness.
However, the causes may be much morepositive, since there are many medications which have dizziness uponstanding up as one of the basic side-effects. Luckily, this poses nothreat to your organisms, and should not be treated. Rather, you areto remember that you will be dizzy, being prepared for it while youare standing up.
Finally, since our nerves are the onesletting our brain know that all the blood rushed in our legs in thefirst place, their damage may prevent them from performing thisaction, leading to dizziness to strike, without being prevented.People with AIDS, multiple sclerosis, syphilis and many other diseasesare a risk group. Additionally, alcohol abuse, some other diseases orvertigo may also be behind this phenomenon.
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