A Common Problem
Many people feel troubled upon noticing abnormalities related to their hair. This mainly involves deterioration regarding hair quality, hair breakage or hair loss. All these are frustrating experiences which none of us wants to experience. Nevertheless, we surely are bound to at some point of our lives. However, before that happens, we may get informed about possible causes of this condition and our ways of stopping these and prolonging the healthy look of our hair for many years to come.
Reasons Behind Hair Breakage
We know that some people lose hair before others do. Some people become bald at a very young age while some other have hair until the end of their lives. Hair loss and hair breakage takes place due to many different factors, some more serious than the other.
With males, genetics play a very important role. Namely, if you have a history of hair loss in your family, there is a high likelihood that you will get bald sooner or later. Women are hardly affected by this fact while men may have to face the consequences of this faulty gene of their ancestors quiteeasily.
And now we come to proper nutrition. We cannot expect our organism to be healthy if we are not eating healthy. Thus, lack of nutrients in our regular diet may easily reflect itself on our hair, leading to deterioration, breakage and eventually, hair loss. Additionally, exposing your hair to unhealthy treatments like dye or poor hygiene may result in these states of affairs as well.
There are numerous illnesses which may influence the health of our hair. Also, stress, depression and constant anxiety, as well as other emotional disturbances like traumas or shocks, all add on to the list of possible reasons behind hair deterioration.
Excessive unprotected sun exposure and pollution we are bound to live in daily, can only do us harm in all respects, including the health of our hair.
Possible Means of Prevention
In order to have healthy hair, you must avoid all possible cause of its breakage. Thus, make sure you wash it regularly, using high quality shampoos and other hair health products for your own hair type. Also, make sure you do not comb it violently, or tie it too tightly if you tie your hair in the first place. Additionally, avoid dying it, or at least, make sure you dye as seldom as possible. Finally, eat well, consuming food rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as proteins and healthy fats. Combine this excellent nutrition with frequent, stress-relieving physical activities and have healthy hair you will be proud of for a long time.
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