In order to treat cervicitis properly, it needs to be identified first and its causes must be determined. It is usually caused by gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomonas which are sexually transmitted diseases. Cervicitis can also be caused by streptococcus, enterococcus, staphylococcus and herpes simplex.
Chlamydial infections are caused by parasitic microorganisms that live in the host cells. One usually does not experience any symptoms for a few months but when they do occur they include pelvic pain, fever, bleeding, discharge and uncomfortable urination. In men, the infection is usually characterized by painful urination and discharge from the penis. Chlamydia needs to be treated on time before it spreads to the fallopian tubes or the uterus. The infection is usually treated with doxycycline, ofloxacin, erythromycin or azithromycin. A woman needs to have gynecological exams on a regular basis in order to prevent cervicitis and other ailments from developing.
They involve a Pap smear which detects the presence of any abnormal cells on the cervix surface. The second step of a gynecological exam consists of a bi-annual examination of the reproductive organs and the rectum in order to check for any tenderness or pain. Doxycycline is the most commonly used medication of all the aforementioned medications. Gonorrhea usually does not involve any symptoms until a person experiences an unusual discharge, pelvic pain, painful urination, fever and unusual bleeding. It is usually treated with ciprofloxacin, cefixime, ofloxacin or ceftriaxone. If not treated on time, gonorrhea may lead to fertility problems, skin problems, blood poisoning, heart infections, arthritis and brain infections. Reinfection can sometimes occur, so patients should be very careful.
Trichomonas is triggered by a simple microscopic organism which and is characterized by a frothy discharge from the vagina. Sometimes it may also include redness, pain, itchiness and an objectionable odor. Trichomonas rarely involves any symptoms in men but in rare cases the patients may feel irritation or perhaps a burning sensation while urinating. The most common medication used for the treatment of trichomonas is metronidazole and it inhibits the ingestion of any alcoholic beverages during the treatment since it may trigger certain side effects. Open sores and blisters on the cervix usually indicate a herpes simplex. Acyclovir is usually helpful in relieving the symptoms of the herpes simplex. Sometimes the cervicitis may be caused certain other types of medications.
In order to prevent cervicitis one should limit sexual contact and visit the doctor on a regular basis to perform gynecological checks.
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