Cervicitis is an inflammation of the cervix, lower part of the uterus. This disease may occur due to infection, which commonly occurs in sexually transmitted diseases, or is a consequence of injury. Injury may be caused by insertion of foreign objects into the vagina during pelvic examination or in certain gynecological examination. This inflammation is in some women caused by the usage of diaphragm. Cervicitis can also develop together with cervical cancer.
Because many women experience no symptoms of cervicitis this condition most commonly is not even diagnosed. This is no good since if left untreated cervicitis can be cornerstone for pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, ectopic pregnancy, cervical cancer and many other gynecological conditions.
Women who started having sex at an early age, promiscuous women, those with a history of sexually transmitted disease as well as those with multiple partners are at higher risk of getting cervicitis.
Causes of Cervicitis
The leading cause of cervicitic is connected to sexually transmitted diseases. Both bacteria and viruses can cause inflammation of cervix. Some of the possible culprits of cervicitis include gonorrhea, chlamydia and genital herpes.
Furthermore, cervicitis can be caused by allergic reactions. Allergies to contraceptive spermicides and condoms are most common.
Diagnosis of Cervicitis
Cervicitis can be diagnosed after gynecological examination of the patient. The gynecologist will perform a pelvic exam and will also take specimens from the cervix.
A pelvic exam will show inflammation of the cervix. The cervix is red and edematous. There may also be discharge. After examination the gynecologist will take swabs of the cervical and vaginal fluid. These specimens are sent to a laboratory and they may confirm or rule out infection.
Treatment for Cervicitis
In bacterial infections, women are prescribed antibiotics. In case that a woman is suffering from recurrent cervicitis some doctors perform a procedure whose goal is to destroy the abnormal cells on the surface of the cervix. This can be achieved by cautery or laser treatment. New and healthy cells will replace the destroyed ones.
In cervicitis, as in many other diseases, prevention is the best cure. Practicing safe sex can drastically reduce the risk of cervicitis. Low risk of cervicitis is connected to monogamous women and to those who first engaged in sexual intercourse at a later age. Frequent change of sexual partners, on the other hand, increases chances of getting the disease. If cervicitis is caused by allergy to condoms, women will have to look for other forms of contraception. Unfortunately, only condoms can provide with perfect protection against sexually transmitted diseases.
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