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Inflamed Cervix

This lower genital tract infection can be caused by the injury of the cervix, but in most cases sexually transmitted diseases are the culprits. Some chemicals, cancer or birth control devices, such as cervical cap or diaphragm, can also lead to the inflammation of the cervix. Unfortunately, in most cases this condition is not treated, but we hope this article will turn this around.

Symptoms of Inflamed Cervix

This condition is considered to be common since almost every other woman devolves it during the lifetime. We will give you some of the symptoms usually developed by this condition. One of the most common ones is the foul discharge coming from the vagina. This discharge is not hard to detect, especially during menstrual period. Also sexual activity can bring some mild back pain or lower abdomen pain, along with the bleeding or spotting. Before bleeding, a person may experience irritation and itching sensation on the external genitals. Abdominal pain, severe itching, foul smell pus-like vaginal discharge and profuse are symptoms of a serious case of inflames cervix. Fever, nausea and burning sensation experienced during urination are also a possibility.

Causes of Inflamed Cervix

The cervix, or the end part of the uterus, is swollen or inflamed when the problem we are talking about is present. This problem can also be called cervicitis. As we have said, one of the causes is the cervix injury. Also, an irritation from chemicals found in contraceptives and douches can cause this problem. Medical conditions like condyloma, human papillomavirus, genital warts, HIV and genital herpes can cause inflammation of the cervix. Some sexually transmitted diseases can contribute to the development of the problem in question. They are vaginal infection, gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis. Latex and spermicides located on the condoms can lead to the cervix inflammation. Also, unhealthy sexual relations can contribute to the creation of the problem. Remember to treat it, since it can lead to cervical cancer, which is fatal in most cases.


Abdomen pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, chills, fever, and vaginal discharge are signs which indicate that you need to visit a hospital. When you get there, doctor will inquire about your medical history, perform a physical examination, maybe do a cervix biopsy in order to look for abnormalities and take Pap smear sample to see if chlamydia or gonorrhea are present. If they are present, doctor may recommend cryotheraphy as a way of treatment. Sores and unusual vaginal discharge are searched for with a use of speculum. If genital herpes is the cause of the problem, anti-viral medication and antibiotics are given. For the end, we advise you to go regularly to the doctor and thus avoid having this problem.

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