Camu camu fruit originates from the rainforests of Peru.This is because it prefers flooded or swampy areas. During the ancient times,camu camu fruit was not that popular because it is characterized mainly by anacidic, sour taste. In recent times, it has been discovered that camu camufruit may provide the human body with numerous different types of healthbenefits. Camu camu fruit cannot be made available everywhere around the globein its fresh, raw form, so there are manufacturers which produce it in the formof powder, capsules and juice. This way, health benefits of camu camu areavailable everywhere around the world. Camu camu looks a lot like grapes, butslightly larger. It has a red purplish skin and inside is a yellow pulp. Camucamu berries on their own are not that pleasant, so they are commonly mixed inwith other types of fruit, especially in the preparation of drinks, ice creams,candies, juices and various other types of dishes.
Camu Camu Health Benefits
Camu camu fruit contains more than 2 grams of vitamin C per100 grams serving. This is much more vitamin C than any other known type offruit. Camu camu fruit contains up to 50 times more vitamin C than orange. Camucamu is also an excellent source of certain other important nutrients such asbioflavonoids, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, ascorbic acid, leucine, valine,serine and several other types of very potent phytochemicals. Camu camu is veryefficient in boosting the functioning of the immune system, keeping varioustypes of infections at bay and maintaining optimal health. It is also veryhelpful in enhancing the functioning of the circulatory system and the centralnervous system. Camu camu berries may also come in very handy for all those whosuffer from Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, osteoarthritis, migraine,infertility, hepatitis, glaucoma, gingivitis, edema, depression, cataracts,colds, arteriosclerosis and asthma. They are efficient in preventing cancer,providing emotional stability, enhancing the mood, preventing heart diseasesand various other medical conditions and issues. Camu camu berries are also known for theirvery potent antioxidant properties so they are very efficient in fighting offthe free radicals and reducing the amount and severity of damage they causeinside the human body.
Camu Camu Side Effects
Up ‘til now there are no major side effects associated withthe use of camu camu berries. Some people believe that excessive consumptionmay lead to vitamin C overdose.
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