Information on Vegetables
Vegetables are all different types of edible plants or partsof plants which are not attached to sweet fruits or seeds. These are usually roots,stems or leaves of a plant. The word is not based on science, it is based oncultural and culinary traditions. Some vegetables can be consumed in their rawform, some need to be cooked first, while certain others can be consumed bothways. Sometimes certain types of vegetables get to be used in sweet dishes anddesserts as well. Vegetables should never be confused with fruit. It is apeculiar fact that certain items commonly perceived as vegetables aretechnically fruits. Those include tomatoes, bell peppers and eggplants. Cerealsare both fruits and vegetables at the same time. Certain parts of the world mayconsider a certain item as a fruit, while some other regions of the world mayconsider the same item as a vegetable and vice versa.
Vegetables High in Fiber
Dietary fiber is actually the content of plants which cannotbe digested and it provides the human body with numerous different types ofhealth benefits. Dietary fiber is very efficient in reducing the risk ofvarious different sorts of gastrointestinal diseases, high levels ofcholesterol in the blood, obesity and different types of cancer. A regularconsumption of dietary fiber is very helpful in enhancing the absorption ofiron, magnesium, calcium and several other essential minerals. Fibers are alsovery efficient in boosting the immune system. Fibers can be soluble orinsoluble. Soluble fibers can be dissolved in water and they provide the humanbody with numerous cardiovascular benefits. Insoluble fibers may come in veryhandy when it comes to the prevention and treatment of constipation,diverticulosis and hemorrhoids.
Vegetables rich in Dietary Fiber
There are so many different types of vegetables which arerich in dietary fiber but the most commonly consumed ones include avocado,peppers, cooked beets, spinach, tomatoes, green beers, zucchini, broccoli,winter squash, cabbage, potato, carrots, sweet potato, cauliflower, summersquash, Brussels sprouts, cooked peas, cole slaw, cooked kale, sweet corn, rawonion and celery. A medium sized avocado contains 11.36 grams of fiber, amedium sized potato contains 4.8 grams of dietary fiber while a medium sizedtomato contains a gram of fiber. A cupof broccoli contains 4.5 grams of dietary fiber. The same serving of cookedbeets has 2.85 grams, green beets contain 4.2 grams, zucchini has 2.63 grams,cabbage has 4.2 grams, summer squash has 2.52 grams, carrots have 5.22 grams,cooked spinach has 4.32 grams and a cup of onion has 2.88 grams of dietaryfiber.
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