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Sucralose (Splenda or E995 in Europe) is artificial sweetener that doesn’tcontain any calories. It is 600 times sweeter than regular sugar (sucrose) andseveral times sweeter than aspartame or saccharin. Because of the sweetness, itis used in small quantities. Commercial sucralose can contain added maltodextrinor dextrose (Cukren, Candys, Nevella, SPlenda, SucraPlus). These products lookand are similarly sweet like ordinary sugar.

Sucralose is discovered in 1976 while trying to develop somepesticides. It was approved for use in the United States (US) in 1998 and inEuropean Union in 2004. It is tasteful, stable and safe to be used, in comparisonto other sweeteners. It is stable under various pH conditions and heat andbecause of that can be used in many products.

Sucralose Uses

Sucralose is used to sweeten many low calorie products,especially drinks, food and dietary supplements. It can be used instead of thesugar and it won’t change the product. Also, sucralose stays sweet after a longperiod of time and even if these products get exposed to the heat. Sucralose hasanother bonus advantage – it is suitable to be used by people suffering from diabetesmellitus.

Most commonly, sucralose is used to sweeten tea, coffee, variousalcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, baked products and breakfast cereals. It isused in many jams and jellies, chewing gums, dairy products (including thecheese, desserts and milk), and in flavorings, herbs, and spices. Different meatproducts, snacks, soups, gravies and sauces also contain certain amount ofsucralose.

This substance can be found in many nutritional products anddairy supplements.

Potential Danger

Sucralose is approved by the FDA as safe to be used inhumans. Nevertheless, sucralose contains chlorine. It might be potentially harmfulfor the human organism, but performed studies haven’t proved that theory. Sucraloseadvocates said that chlorine is normally used in everyday life and that it doesn’trepresent the threat. Mushrooms, melons, table salt and even water also containchlorine.

Some people might experience allergic reactions to thissweetener. Sometimes, allergens are the substances used to product sucralose.

Sucralose has some adverse effects. It could cause nausea,vomiting, diarrhea, kidney and liver problems, symptoms similar to the commonflu and sometimes breathing problems. Some people experience behavioralchanges, such as anger or mood swings, and others have different skin issues(itching, irritation, sweeling).

So far, sucralose haven’t showed any signs of reproductive,neurological or carcinogenic toxicity. Because of that it can be safely use bymost people. If you are allergic to this substance or experience sucralose allergyfor the first time consult your doctor.

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