The Common Causes of Low Self-esteem
Humans, largely basing their self-imageupon their achievements, may enter many stages in lifewhere their self-appreciation levels may drop due to numerouslifestyle factors. We strongly believe that our financial, social,physical and accomplished worth is what makes us a person. Therefore,upon failing at certain points in life, we are likely to considerourselves less human and therefore begin to lack self-confidence.
Sometimes, this may happen due to lossof certain skills which you prided yourself on. An injury may causethis, for example. Alternatively, our low self-confidence may stemfrom losing a very important person in your life.
Of course, losing our wealth may shakethe very foundations of our personality, making us prone to actions wewould have never performed otherwise. Additionally, poor performance in certainaspects of life may make us feel incapable or unskilled, leading to adecrease in our feeling of self-worth. There are cases where nothingbad had happened. Rather, we might wake up and leave ourself-confidence in the bed, struggling through the whole day withoutit.
This kind of negative self-image is badfor us. Surely, we might lack confidence for a day, or during somestressful events. However, in the long run, lacking self-confidencemay have devastating consequences.
Confidence and Health
Lack of self-confidence makes us proneto emotional and physical illnesses. We constantly try to impressothers in vain, expecting ourselves to fail. This, vicious circlecauses identity crisis, chronic depression, suicidal tendencies andmany other, life-threatening, problems.
The Solution
Living with this constant lack ofself-appreciation equals suffering. Thus, you need help. There aremany rehabilitation programs and therapies which may assist you onthe right track in life. Basically, you need a program which willhelp you acquire skills, accomplish your preset goals, improve yourphysical fitness, discover many hidden talents within you andconstantly expand through learning.
You need to develop an impenetrableshield of self-esteem, which will prevail and protect you no matterhow many negative obstacles life tosses at your feet.
Affirmations are a great way ofboosting your self-confidence. Also, you need to learn how to haverealistic goals which you can achieve gradually. Good organization inlife is crucial for this.
Also, choose a program which focuses onboth physical and emotional aspects of your self-esteem. Usually, thelatter is neglected, and you do not want that. Hypnosis andneurolinguistic programming may be very helpful, as a part of aprogram. Picking a constructive role-model can also be very good foryou, learning how to be confident from people who are. Finally, youneed to learn from the mistakes you have made in the past, look atlife from a different angle and leave frustrations behind, focusingon new goals ahead.
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