There is no need for a strict nutritional diet for young men who are under the age of 35, but a certain improvement and involvement of supplement is recommended. In this article, we will try to explain why the supplements are recommended for the men under the age of 35, and which of them are good.
The first supplement that is recommended is based on essential fatty acids. It is proved that these acids help in decreasing inflammination; reduce the risk of heart attack and all chronic diseases. It is because they have omega-3 fatty acids. Food from sea has a lot of these fatty acids, especially fish. One teaspoon of good fish oil is better than any artificial drug, while vegetable is good for reducing general inflammation. Fish oil that is very good is Nordic Naturals Fish Oil. The quality of that oil is exceptional and it doesn’t cost too much. Fish oil that improves skin condition and concentration in ADD disorder is called Flax/Evening Primose Oil, and the young can use it. If you decide on healthy diet, you shouldn’t do it without antioxidant boost. There are many nutraceutical supplements that are full of sugar free concentrated antioxidant. We will name some of them. Resveratrol, muscadine grapes, Berry Green, Juive Plus are famous for their good quality and reasonable price. Green tea is another natural resource of antioxidant. Multivitamin can do the same job. But they differ, so you would have to find the right one. It hasn’t been proved yet that synthetic multivitamins are good for our health.
If you want to see the results, you will have to take multivitamins that are in their natural form so that your body can use the best from them. There is a risk of loss of potency when ingredients (acid fats, for example) are in multivitamins. A product that has appeared on the market Do No Harm multivitamin is the first one that has these qualities. Except for being good for bones, vitamin D is very important in keeping your immune system high and protects it from cancer. The dose of the vitamin D that in the majority of multivitamins is 800-1000 IU. The experts say that it isn’t enough, they recommend 2000 IUs daily. Iron is not obligatory to take, unless it is prescribed by a doctor or a nutritionist.
We hope that these small tips can help young men to select the right supplement that will promote and improve their health.
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