What is Bee Pollen?
Bee pollen is one of the most nutritious products in the world. Even though the consumption of bee pollen is considered safe new users should be a bit precautious about taking bee pollen since there is a possibility of allergic reaction.
Bea pollen is also known as bee bread. It contains pollen that has been packed by worker honeybees into granules with additional honey or nectar. Similarly to other honey bee products the exact composition of bee pollen depends on which plant the worker bees are gathering pollen from. The changes in composition also vary on a daily bases and differ from colony to colony.
Dangers of Bee Pollen
One of the most serious side effects of bee pollen is an allergic reaction. This particular side effect generally affects people who are already suffering from asthma or who are allergic to bee stings. In mild allergic reactions the person develops a skin rash and in case of more severe allergic reaction a body can react in a form of anaphylaxis (shortness of breath, convulsions, rapid heart rate, hypotension, loss of consciousness and death). Apart from the previously mentioned a person allergic to bee pollen may additionally suffer from hives and skin flushing, itchy throat, facial itching, coughing and wheezing.
Bee pollen originates from many different flowers. In some cases flowers may be located in polluted area and contain potentially hazardous substances. By taking bee pollen obtained from these areas one may introduce certain toxic substances into the body. The most damaging substances are pesticides, insecticides and other chemical fertilizers.
Furthermore, one of the mild side effects of bee pollen is nausea. Even stomach upset may occur in some consumers. In case these problems linger the person is supposed to stop using the product.
And finally, pregnant women as well as breastfeeding mothers are supposed to abstain from bee pollen. There are no data regarding safe consumption of the product during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Bee Pollen - Dosage
As it has already been said people allergic to bee stings must not use bee pollen. In case a person has never tried bee pollen he/she is due to try just a little pollen at first. This is a test for potential allergies. In case there is no obvious symptoms or signs of allergic reaction one may continue taking bee pollen on a regular bases in the appropriate dosage. Manufacturers are due to specify safe dosage recommendations on the very product package. And finally, it is best to consult a doctor about how long bee pollen is supposed to be taken.
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