As much as bees sound and look lovely and always busy in their honey-making, bee sting can be very dangerous and sometimes even lead to fatal consequences. The thing that separates it from other stings is that each immunity and organism reacts differently. As bees collect pollen from flowers, spring and summer are the seasons when there are a lot of them to be found in the parks, playgrounds and backyards. In most cases, they just go after their own business, but if agitated, their reaction can be a sting.
Bee Sting Reaction
Chemicals that are found in the bee venom are the ones to be blamed for the nasty reaction of our body. There are even nine chemicals in the bee venom and when these chemicals reach our body system, bee sting symptoms may appear immediately, although they can also appear within four hours after the bee sting. Bee sting reactions are classified by our body reaction to the sting. The local bee sting reaction lasts up to 24 hours, but large local reactions can last longer and they cover larger area of our body, for example a leg or an entire arm. Systemic reactions are the ones that appear as the consequence of the allergic reaction, but we also have toxic reactions that appear due to the multiple bee stings. Finally, we have delayed bee sting reaction that appears because of the defensive mechanism of our immune system.
Bee Sting Reaction Symptoms
In most cases, bee sting reaction manifest through the swelling of the affected area, hives and pain in the chest. Then a person may also experience low blood pressure, discomfort and difficulty while breathing, and finally, anaphylactic shock. But local and large bee stings reactions aren’t so serious. This rule also can be applied to toxic reactions the symptoms of which include fever, overall weakness, pain, light-headiness and vomiting.
Bee Sting Reaction Treatment
It is important to know the protocol in the case a bee stings you or someone who is in your company. First, you should separate that person from the bee and then remove the bee sting. Then wash the area with the soap and water and afterwards apply some ice pack on the swollen area. There are some helpful creams that are applied on the stung place, and in this case it is hydrocorticosone cream or Calamine lotion. It is very helpful for swelling and itching reduction. If that person has a severe allergy to bee sting, you should, without any delay, call 911, because that person’s life is in danger.
We hope that we have provided you with some useful information, and that in the future you will try to avoid bees and observe them from a reasonable distance.
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