Your Favorite, Healthy Fruit
Bananas are the preferred food of many.Most people like these for their taste. However, you would be amazedto know that this fruit is very healthy as well. Namely, bananas arerich in vitamin B complex, vitamin E and provitamin A. Also, bananascontain many other highly useful nutritive substances. What is more,we do not only need to eat it in order to enjoy its positive sides.Rather, it can be applied onto the surface of our skin, regeneratingit and providing it with many healthy substances. If you areinterested in this exciting and wonderful aspect of this ancientfruit, originating from India, read on.
Banana Facial Masks
There are plenty of masks for yourface, containing banana as the main ingredient. These masks will makeyour face more smooth and gentle, deprived of all possible skinimperfections.
One of the easiest, yet highlyeffective, recipes involves mashing one banana with a fork. Once youdo this, add an egg yolk and a teaspoon of sour cream, mixing it alltogether. Apply the product on your face, keep it there for 15minutes, before removing it with warm water.
The next recipe includes one bananawhich you can grind with a fork, 2 tablespoons of cream along with ateaspoon of liquid honey. Place these ingredients into a blender andmix it all together. Then, apply the mask onto your face and neckarea, leaving it on for about half an hour before wiping it with acosmetic napkin. Alternatively, you might consider applying this ontoyour chest as well.
If you suffer from dry skin, you mightwant to mash one half of a banana, and mix it with one egg yolk andtwo teaspoons of olive and peach oil. Subsequently, add onetablespoon of flour and starch into the mixture, stirring it all up.Keep the mixture on your skin for 15 minutes before removing it withwarm water.
On the other hand, if oily skin istroubling you, you might consider adding a teaspoon of lemon juice to one mashed banana, and applying it on your face for 15 minutes. Usecold water to remove it.
Other Recipes
For a thorough banana regenerationprocess, you will need 2kg of bananas, mashed and prepared for mixingwith 4 tablespoons of almond oil. Place this mixture into yourbathtub and dissolve it with water. Take a relaxing bath in suchconditions and experience total skin revitalization.
If you wish to give your hands a welldeserved cosmetic treat, mix one mashed banana with two tablespoonsof milk, apply it on your hands, put some plastic gloves on, wait foran hour and wash it off with cool water.
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