Human body is able to restore and heal itself, it may healthe cuts, clear up various infections, mend and repair the broken bones, amongother things. It cannot fight the aging process that efficiently so it is in aterrible need of a regular intake of fresh vegetables and fruits. These food itemsare very efficient in maintaining proper functioning of various systems andorgans in the human body and they provide the person with a longer lifespan bygradually slowing down the process of aging. They also make the person lookmore visually appealing since the skin is always the truest indicator of theconsequences of aging. The best types of fruits and vegetables for the slowingdown of the process of aging are those who contain plenty of vitamin C. Vitamin C is very efficient in boosting theimmune system and reducing the risk of cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure,strokes, heart attacks and other serious medical conditions. Vitamin D is anotherimportant nutrient because it maintains the health of the teeth and bones.Fruits and vegetables also contain abundant amounts of antioxidants which arevery efficient in fighting off the free radicals and reducing the amount and severityof damage caused on the cellular level inside the human body. Antioxidants alsohelp the body to repair itself from the inside. The best types of fruit whichshould be used include apricots, peaches, cantaloupe, apples, blueberries,bananas, grapefruits, limes, tangerines, oranges and all citrus fruits.Vegetables should contain plenty of fiber because it aids the digestionprocess. Such vegetables include celery, cucumbers, carrots, kale, spinach andlettuce. These food items should be incorporated into the regular diet.
Other products
There are other products which can be of great help with theaforementioned issues and those are antioxidants, green tea, vitamin D,l-glutathione, lycopene, beta carotene, selenium, vitamin E, vitamin A and vitamins from the B complex, both intheir natural and supplemental form. As it has been already said, vitamin C andvitamin D are powerful antioxidants. Vitamin A also provides certain benefitsbut it may reach toxic levels, so the recommended dosage should never beexceeded. The B vitamins are important for the health of the central nervoussystem. Selenium can be found in bread,poultry, meat, Brazil nuts, asparagus and fish and it prevents various types ofcancer. Beta carotene also prevents certain medical conditions, whilel-glutathione and lycopene provide the body with abundant amounts ofantioxidants. Green tea is another potent antioxidant.
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