Information on Antioxidant Supplements
Antioxidant supplements are supposed to provide the humanbody with certain types of antioxidant molecules. Antioxidant substances arevery important when it comes to fighting the free radicals and reducing thedamage they cause to the human body. The efficiency of antioxidant supplementsis yet to be clinically confirmed. Antioxidants prevent different types ofharmful oxidation reactions in the human body. The most popular antioxidant substancesinclude vitamin C, selenium, vitamin E, peroxidase, glutathione, superoxidedismutase, beta carotene and catalase. Oxidation is affiliated with theproduction of free radicals which can be responsible for the damage of thecells in the human body. Antioxidants actually get themselves oxidized insteadof other molecules so they are very efficient when it comes to termination ofharmful chain reactions triggered by free radicals. Antioxidants are usuallyobtained from various types of food items but they can also be ingested byusing different types of nutritional and antioxidant supplements.
Antioxidant Supplements Benefits
Most types of vegetables and fruits are excellent sources ofantioxidant substances and they are very efficient in keeping a person healthyand fit. The antioxidant substances from the natural food sources reduce theproduction of free radicals and the damage they cause, but they are also veryefficient when it comes to slowing down the process of molecular oxidation. Antioxidantsupplements may come in very handy when it comes to the prevention andtreatment of certain chronic diseases such as cancer and different types ofheart diseases. Those who rely on a healthy diet of various different types offood which are jam packed with precious nutrients usually do not even need anydietary supplements at all.
Antioxidant Supplements Side Effects
There are numerous debates which question the efficiency ofantioxidant supplements. Certain researches have shown that antioxidantsupplements actually do not provide the human body with any health benefits.Some people have even experienced certain types of side effects which arealmost always related to heavy dosage of the product. It is always the bestoption to provide the body with the much needed nutrients and antioxidants byconsuming healthy food items such as vegetables and fruits. One should alwaysconsult the doctor and be well informed before taking any type of antioxidantsupplements. Different products can always be reviewed before being purchased.One should always follow the instructions on the product packaging in order toavoid any unwanted side effects.
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