Advertisements that promote various anti aging products can be found almost anywhere around the world. They try to lure the average customer into buying those products which are supposed to make them feel and look much younger. They are usually promoted on television, and in, magazines, newspapers and even on billboards.
Rarely do people stop and think about, what the ingredients are in all those anti aging products. The process of aging is firmly associated with the oxidants in the human body. The normal process of the metabolism creates those oxidants. The cells produce the oxygen molecules which are unstable, and that is why they cause the damage on the cellular level. The older the person is, the more oxidants his or her body will produce. Most anti aging products are marketed as remarkable sources of antioxidants. Numerous scientific researches and the advancement of technology have given us plenty of options when it comes to slowing down the aging process. One of the most common ingredients in most anti aging products is called alpha-hydroxy acid. It is very efficient in removing the top layer of the skin, which is scientifically referred to as exfoliation. A substitute for this ingredient with almost identical properties is called beta-hydroxy salicylic acid. Another common ingredient is coenzyme Q10 which is also sometimes referred to as Ubiquinone. It is very efficient in encouraging the growth of skin cells, preventing the damage done by the sun and repairing it, if any. One of the main ingredients of every anti aging product is collagen, that is very important for hydrating the skin and minimizing the occurrence of wrinkles and fine lines.
Most over the counter anti aging products also contain various vitamins which can also be of great help when it comes to slowing down the process of aging. Those usually include vitamin K, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin C. Vitamin K is efficient in treating spider veins, dark circles, bruising and broken capillaries. Vitamin D enhances the absorption and functioning of calcium inside the human body. Vitamin E boosts the immune system, moisturizes the skin and accelerates all healing processes. Vitamin C also boosts the immune system and enhances the production of collagen.
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