Antioxidants have a significant role in human health,especially when it comes to aging. It is important to notice that free radicalsare unstable molecules that can trigger the aging process and therefore, damage theskin. By fighting the free radicals, they prevent damages caused by theseunstable molecules, and consequently, prevent damages caused by agingprocess.
Studies have proven that a diet consisting of the so called“anti-aging” foods can help in keeping your body healthy and reducing the agingprocess. Diets containing these nourishments are also beneficial for the skin,since the antioxidants in them help in reducing damages done by the freeradicals and eliminate the dangerous toxins from the body.
The vital component of an anti-aging diet is water. Water keepsyour skin moisturized and your whole body hydrated all the time. It also flushes the harmful material from your body. Recommended amounts of water are 8 to 10glasses daily.
Green Tea
Green tea contains antioxidants in significant amounts, andthat makes it an important part of every “anti-aging diet”.
Watermelon contains vitamin A, B, C, E, selenium andzinc. Because of that watermelon is considered as one of the best anti-agingfoods.
Avocados also contain the substantial amount of vitamin E,which reduces the speed of the aging process and as a result helps in keeping ahealthy glowing skin. The monounsaturated fat that can be found in avocado aidsin reducing the quantity of harmful material and bad cholesterol in the body.In addition, avocado is used in facial mask and hair conditioner preparations.
Broccoli and Spinach
These nourishments have great antioxidant properties.Broccoli contains quercetin and isothiocyanates, and spinach contains lutein,both antioxidants that can tackle the damage caused by the free radicals.
Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries havegreat antioxidant properties. This is why you should include them in youranti-aging diet.
Garlic is known as a vegetable that contains many healthbenefits. Its anti-inflammatory properties can help in removing heavy metalsfrom the body and therefore, keep your skin glowing.
Since nuts contain many minerals, good fat and antioxidants,adding nuts to your diet would be a smart move, also because these compoundscan enhance your immune system.
Studies showed that incorporating salmon in your diet, forat least three times a week can benefit your skin and overall health. This isbecause salmon is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and healthy proteins.
Tomato and Root Vegetables
Root vegetables such as carrots, squash and potatoes, and onthe other hand, tomatoes, are rich in powerful antioxidants, and that is whythey are important part of any healthy diet.
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