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A Brief Introduction

Parents are often met with the circumstances when they are forced to deal with their angry teenager's outbursts. However, it doesn't need to be this way. The blame could be shifted either way, really. That is to say, a teenager could be expected to assume full responsibility for his or her anger, depending on whether or not these feelings are actually within his fault. And there are ways of telling whether they are – which is exactly what this article deals with.

Why do they get angry?

A teenage period is one filled with rushing emotions which are likely to cause many emotional overreactions along its course. This is why a teenager needs to be provided with a supportive and nurturing environment. The first and foremost step in identifying teenage anger is, naturally, determining its source. For many teenagers this is most likely to be the craving for love and security. This means that the teenager is most likely to experience these feelings when lacking the sense of the very two. So, conclusively, it is very important for a teenager to feel loved and secure within his or her own home. However difficult resolving these issues may be (because anger management is mostly solely up to the person, that is not much help can be offered from a third party), detecting the particular sources of anger is a huge first step.

Similarly so...

A good example would be the case of a girl who felt the lack of respect by her father, and consequentially felt unwanted. This caused her to lash out at other authoritative figures as well, whether it be school teachers or the fathers of her friends. So what this shows is that, it is not always so difficult to detect the source of anger, because its manifestation is present in a wide variety of situations. That is to say, if a teenager is feeling insecure, he or she should be provided with a more secure scenario at home; and if the teenager is feeling neglected, additional attention of the kind ought to be given, and so forth. This is done so that the teenager may recognize the issues, and find his or her own path towards resolving them.

The Conclusion

When the teenager himself or herself (as opposed to the people around him or her ), has, at last identified the source of anger, he or she will feel more comfortable to discussing it in an open and conscious fashion.

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