It is important to know certain basic things about thefunctioning of the organism in order to make it even better and healthier.A healthy body needs a lot of effort and that effort needs to focus on healthyeating and exercising.
When we say diet, we actually think of the eating habits, which have to be healthy and balanced. What does that mean? Menusincluded need as many meals as possible, at least 5. With 5 meals, the amount offood taken will not be reduced with each meal, but since there are many meals,hunger will not be present. The problem begins if there is some additional fatthat needs to be reduced. In those cases, the amount of calories taken has to bereduced in order for fat burning process to start.
Whichever type of workout is used, it is smart to createsome sort of plan in order to have results as soon as possible. Men usuallylean towards the increased muscle mass, while women are more into lean figure, withno bulking effect. Both cardio and muscle building workout (2 basic types ofexercising) have some role in a weigh reduction process, if some fat ispresent. Cardio type is more effective when it comes to losing weight, but thatis understandable since muscle mass weights more than fat tissue, so when fattissue is gone, if muscle mass is present, the overall weight will not change much.But one thing is certain; both types of workout induce fat burning process.
Fat burning
Fat burning process is actually creating glucose from fattissue. That glucose will be used as energy source if there is not enoughglucose taken from food, or if the physical activity requires additional energy.One of the processes included is anaerobic glycolysis. Anaerobic glycolysisfacts explain us that it is a process of glucose breaking down into smallermolecules, but without oxygen in the vicinity. This is the process that would beindefinite; it does not depend on the amount of glycogen. The only substancethat stops this process is lactic acid. Lactic acid is created during anaerobicexercises, which are generally known as weight lifting aka bodybuilding.Anaerobic exercise is an explosive exercise, so fast that oxygen is not presentin the muscle contraction process, and the number of reps in a set is lowbecause of the accumulation of lactic acid, which exhausts the muscle. Exhaustedmuscle needs some time for recovery before the next training session.
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