The chemical units that build up proteins are called amino acids. They are also called “building blocks” of proteins. Combined with nitrogen, they form thousands of different proteins. Besides the fact that they are chemical units from which proteins are formed, they are also the end product of protein digestion. Considering that proteins provide structure for all living things, we might conclude that proteins in various forms participate in the crucial chemical processes that sustain life. Besides water, proteins are crucial compound in every living cell in the human body, and they make up most of the human body weight. There are 28 known amino acids, and 9 of them are called essential amino acids: isoleucine, leucine, histidine, lysine, phenylalanine, threonine, methionine, valine and tryptophan. Although 19 amino acids can be manufactured by the body, these essential amino acids cannot be manufactured by the body and must be obtained from food or supplements. Non-essential amino acids (19 amino acids that can be manufactured by the body) can be also obtained by the supplements.The term non-essential doesn’t mean that these amino acids are not necessary, but that they can be manufactured by the body itself. Still, some non-essential amino acids can be essential. For example, the non-essential amino acids cysteine and tyrosine are originated from the essential amino acids methionine and phenylalanine. If these two essential amino acids are not available in sufficient amounts, cysteine and tyrosine then become essential in the nutrition.If the body is under the stress, afflicted with the disease or under the influence of toxins, it demands additional intake of amino acids.
How Can Amino Acid Benefit You?
Body uses amino acids to make enzymes that are important in supporting biochemical reactions, and hormones that influence body metabolism. In addition, they are used to make hemoglobin that carries oxygen through the body, and antibodies that are fighters against infections and support the body’s immune system. Another role of amino acid is a support in repairing muscles, organs, nails, hair, glands and tendons, and it also helps vitamins and minerals to carry out their jobs properly. Amino acids are so important for the human health that defiance in one of them can seriously compromise one’s health.Here is a brief guide trough some of the amino acids: L-Arginine—plays an important role in cardiovascular health; L-Carnosine--considered as the Anti-Aging amino acid; L-Glutamine-- free amino acid found in the muscles used to build up and repair muscles; L-Tyrosine—considered as a mood elevator.
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