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Information on Taurine

Taurine is actually an organic type of acid and it is one of the major components of bile. It is also sometimes referred to as 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid. It can be found in the lower intestine because that is where the bile gets produced. It gets derived from the amino acid called cysteine.

Cysteine containe sulfhydryl. Taurine gets produced from one of the essential amino acids called methionine and it is also related to the aforementioned cysteine. It gets synthesized inside the pancreas and the process actually takes place in the cysteine sulfinic acid pathway. Vegetarians usually suffer from taurine deficiency as it is commonly found in meat and seafood.

Taurine provides the body with precious energy and it is one of the essential nutrients for the human body. Those who suffer from taurine deficiency usually suffer from numerous different symptoms.

Causes and Symptoms of Taurine Deficiency

Taurine deficiency is not really a hyped topic in the medical world, but taurine is still a very important type of acid and it is necessary for proper detoxification of the human body. It is also one of the important ingredients in the proper functioning of brain, nervous system and metabolism. It stabilizes the cell membranes by making the passage of potassium and sodium ions possible.

The production of amino acid is usually the most cause of deficiency because taurine requires zinc, cysteine, vitamin A, methionine, and vitamin B-6 in order to be produced in a proper way. Taurine also requires certain types of enzymes and one of the most important types of enzymes required for the production of taurine is cysteinsulfinicdecarboxylase.

It can be found in certain types of food such as fish, eggs and meat. The most common symptoms of taurine deficiency are impaired vision, kidney problems, anxiety, weight gain, depression and hypertension. There is only one way to prevent taurine deficiency from occurring and it is to take sufficient amounts of taurine supplements. It is also recommended to consume as much eggs and fish as possible.

Health Benefits of Taurine

Taurine provides numerous different health benefits. It fights the free radicals which may cause damage to the cardiovascular system and other systems in the human body as well.

It can be of great help in preventing and treating several serious medical conditions such as seizure disorders, epilepsy, muscular degeneration, hypercholesterolemia, Alzheimer’s disease, different cardiovascular diseases, hepatic disorders, cystic fibrosis and alcoholism.

It is efficient in improving the functioning of gallbladder, regulating the heart beat, maintaining the stability of cell membranes and treating ischemia and arrhythmia.

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