Is alcohol our friend or our greatest foe? This question dwells upon the human race for ages. Some research has been conducted and have proven something remarkable considering the positive influences of moderate drinking to one's health.
First of all, the word “moderate” is crucial. It does not stand for “excessive” in any way. Quantity and frequency are crucial when determining the benefit of alcoholic drinks.
Young people and children, all under 21 years of age, that is, should restrain themselves from alcohol consumption. All others, especially older people, can benefit greatly when drinking moderately.
This moderate drinking, as tests and statistics show would involve the amount of a glass of wine with the equivalent of a bottle of beer or a small glass of spirit drink, once or twice a day. Amazingly, statistics and numerous conducted tests prove that those drinking alcohol two or three times a week are much less prone to heart diseases than those having one drink a week. Also, those drinking excessively once a month are more likely to suffer from liver failure or heart problems than those who drink moderately during that whole month. So, dosage is crucial, along with frequency.
Remarkably, studies show that alcohol is benign towards people suffering from diabetes or those who do not want to. Alcohol, again, consumed moderately, betters the organism's natural insulin sensitivity and, if needed, production, thus helping diabetics as well as other people regulating their blood sugar levels. Alcohol also acts as a blood thinner, reducing the danger from getting clots or other vascular diseases.
Alcohol drinking, being a social “sport”, has been proven to reduce the danger of suffering from dementia at old age, this social factor possibly being the greatest reason.
Alcohol usage benefit is gender ambiguous. What is good for men may not be good for women and vice-versa. Namely, women are generally less likely to develop a heart disease biologically, in the first place. However, statistics show that even moderate female drinkers tend to be prone to breast cancer, making alcohol malevolent for their health. Also, people with hepatitis C should avoid alcohol since it can cause liver failure.
All in all, healthy people should have no needs for drinking alcohol, and those who are drinking it for health benefit should do it at home, or at leisure time, not while driving or working, always keeping in mind that moderate is the way they should be doing it.
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