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Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery which is done in the nose area. Many people opt for this kind of surgery. However, due to the complexity and the delicateness of the procedure, it is quite pricey. The cost of this surgery depends greatly on the area of the surgery, the type of changes made and many other factors.

Cost of Rhinoplasty

Basically, rhinoplasty costs may range anywhere from $3,000 to $8,000. This range of prices is explained by many aspects of this treatment including the surgical fee, the facility fee and the anesthesia fee. Speaking of anesthesia, the price of this part of the surgery goes anywhere from $600 to $1,000, while the facility fee may cost anywhere around $700 to $1,100 and the rest of the money adds to the surgeon's fee.

If you need to do another rhinoplasty due to your dissatisfaction or any other possible issues, the price will be higher, ranging from $10,000 to $15,000.

All in all, the most expensive part of the procedure is the surgeon's fee. However, this too can vary, based on the qualifications and experience of the surgeon, as well as on many other important factors.

The Characteristics You Pay For

Once you decide that you want a rhinoplasty done on you, you need to find a good, qualified and experienced surgeon, who is bound to do the job perfectly. It is best to choose a member of the American Board of Plastic Surgery. These people have passed and satisfied the rigorous criteria and training of this institution, being, therefore more than qualified for the job. This board is certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties.

Alternatively, you may manage to pay less for this procedure if your insurance covers a part of it. This is usually possible if the surgery is done due to the necessity of modifying your nasal passage so that you can breathe freely, or due to some other vital purposes. On the other hand, cosmetic rhinoplasty is rarely covered by insurance, but, here, you may ask your surgeon for monthly payments.

In order to get the best possible rhinoplasty for your money, you need all the opinions you can find. Thus, do not be afraid to consult many different surgeons, inquiring about your future rhinoplasty, comparing the recommendations.

Once you have gathered all the information on the price and the surgeons, you can make your choice. Since you need the best service possible, you need the best person for the job. However, you need to match your financial aspects with the optimal characteristics of your surgeon, in terms of experience and price. Choose wisely and enjoy the effects of your rhinoplasty.

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