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Breast Implants and costs

Thoughseveral new forms of breast augmentation have surfaced recently, breastimplants remain the most frequently chosen method of obtaining bigger breasts.The cost of this surgery will vary, based on a number of factors such as the surgeonchosen, the region where a person lives and has the surgery performed, the actualtype of surgery and anesthesia that a person chooses and whether the surgery is anin-office procedure or takes place in a hospital, but whatever the case, thebreast cost is included in the overall charge.

The cost ofbreast implants ranges between $4000 and $10.000 often more. The implants aloneare valued at $1000 to $1500, with the anesthesia and facility fee usuallycosting $1000 each. Adding this up produces the total cost, without includingthe surgeon’s fee. This fee varies, and depends on the surgeon and his place ofpractice. A factor that can influence the pricing significantly is thequalification of the surgeon. It is worth keeping in mind that with lowerprice, lower quality usually ensues.

Another factor that can impact the overallcost of the surgery is the method chosen for the operation itself. The shorterthe duration of the procedure, the lower the price, as prolonged usage of thefacilities can cause increased facility usage fees. The type of anesthesia canalso affect the price of the procedure, with general anesthesia being moreexpensive than local anesthesia. General anesthesia causes the patient to befully asleep, while with local anesthesia the patient remains awake, but sedated.

Making a choice of surgeon

While itmight appear that the least expensive option is always the more logical choice,this is not necessarily the case: the quality over price ratio is usuallyproportional. It is highly advised to make sure the surgeon has all the rightqualifications, as well as to fully read all the paperwork regarding the breastimplants, fine print included. Any price that appears too low considering thebenefit should be put under closer scrutiny, and if the price is unreasonablylow, seeking another surgeon would be the suggested solution. Conversely, ahigher price does not necessarily guarantee quality, and again it is criticalto be informed about the surgeon, and obtain additional information. Suggestedways of informing include Testimonials and references from other patients.Choice of surgeon and implant type should never be rushed, and should becarefully considered before submitting to any kind of procedure.

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