This article gives us an update about the collagen supplements. Collagen is a protein whose purpose is to support the softer tissues of the body and help in healing. As a supplement, it is taken in the form of pills and its purpose is to reduce arthritis and its symptoms, to promote healing and skin appearance. If you are healthy, then you don’t need collagen supplements, but people usually take it while healthy so than they could look younger. As collagen is used in many areas, there are a few types of collagen supplement and the type that will be used depends on the reason for the use of collagen supplements.
Types of Collagen Supplements
People who experienced some arthritis or orthopedic injuries take collagen supplements with glucosamine, because glucosamine has similar properties as collagen and its role is to promote joint healing and improve mobility and decrease the pain. There are also collagen supplements that contain collagen II and they are used by patients who suffer from arthritis. If a person wants to use collagen in order to improve skin appearance, nails and hair, then it would be wise to take collagen supplements without glucosamine. There are non-glucosamine collagen supplements on the market that are the most abundant in the skin.
Collagen Dosage
Collagen supplements are being packed and sold in various dosages depending on the purpose. If collagen supplement is used for beauty purposes, then it is limited up to five or six grams per day, and if used for pain relief, larger doses are required. 10 grams per days is the recommended dosage for the arthritis patients. Because of the fact that collagen is easily solute, everything that is not needed by the body is easily flushed from it. It is important for a person who is taking collagen supplements to take also vitamin C and lysine. Alpha Lipoic Acid is important for maximizing the effectiveness of Vitamin C and it is also an antioxidant. There are no severe side effects of collagen supplements when taken orally. If collagen supplements side effects occur, then they are usually connected to food sensitivity, because oral collagen supplements are derived from cow or chicken body and people who are sensitive to that meat can experience collagen supplements side effects.
Allergic Reactions
Collagen injections can be administered by dermatologists and plastic surgeons, although in some states of the USA, nurses and physician assistants can do that as well. Allergic reactions may appear in 3% of patients, so before deciding on collagen injection, test your skin so that you are sure that you don’t have collagen allergy. Side effects of collagen injection aren’t severe. In many cases, after the injection is administered, bruises or small bumps around the area where the injection was given may appear, but that disappears in a short period of time.
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