Such stomach gurgling noises are, in most cases, a completely normal thing to experience and it usually happens after eating due to the important digestive processes taking place in the stomach. More specifically, these gurgling noises can be heard as your digestive tract contracts to move the food further along.
Even though there might be some underlying illnesses causing a stomach rumble, a noisy stomach is usually not a serious sign of trouble. Nevertheless, some people may think that the noises that the stomach is making are rude and inappropriate and they put people in awkward and uncomfortable situations. People need to know that they cannot control the occurrence of stomach gurgling.
What is that noise in your stomach?
Simply enough, whenever people eat, food has to move along their digestive tract, all the way into their intestines. Logically, before this food arrived, there was more free space in this area. Subsequently, once the digestive process commences, air is pressed and moved around, causing these gurgling sounds to be produced.
The food itself, while being dissolved by the stomach acids, is also moved forwards and backwards throughout the intestinal pathways, triggering air movement and often a gurgling of the stomach.
While the complete absence of digestive sounds can itself be a sign of some kind of medical condition, it is not uncommon for people who suffer from intestinal conditions like irritable bowel syndrome or a lactose intolerance to experience these rumbling sounds coming out of their "stomachs" (more accurately — digestive systems as a whole).
These sounds can be due to lack of coordination between the muscular movements in their intestines. However, this is easily treatable and this condition rarely presents something for a person to be worried about.
Cases of stomach palpitations
People need to know that stomach gurgling after eating is connected with stomach palpitations. When trying to explain what stomach palpitations actually feel like, people usually say that they feel some kind of pulsing around their stomach. Some people even compare stomach palpitations to the famous feeling of the so-called "butterflies in the stomach".
However, it does not end here, because very often this problem additionally causes discomfort and in many cases even pain. Whether a person will experience pain or not depends on the severity of the case.
Various things may provoke this stomach disorder, but indigestion and unhealthy eating are among the most frequently recognized and identified causes of stomach palpitations. Unhealthy eating does not only refer to consuming junk food or other unhealthy food, but it also includes having irregular meals, which means that people who do not have five smaller meals at regular intervals are more likely to develop stomach palpitations.
Besides bad eating habits, stress and extreme nervousness, as well as constipation, or even excessive drinking of alcohol or caffeine may provoke it. Certain medications can cause abdominal palpitations as well.
Do you have a tender stomach?
Medical problems associated with the stomach are maybe the most common ones there are, but usually they are minor and are eliminated quickly and efficiently, even without medical attention. But sometimes, the cause of stomach problems and tenderness may be more serious.
A tender stomach is very prone to stomach gurgling noises. Stomach flu is the name for an inflammation of the intestine and its associated acute stomach pain. The problem is that stomach flu is usually the cause of stomach tenderness and it is usually a consequence of viral or bacterial infection.
An infection with helicobacter pylori can also cause stomach tenderness. While these bacteria often grow in the digestive tract, sometimes without doing harm, they are also closely associated with the formations of ulcers, and they attack the lining of the digestive tract.
This problem may be experienced due to the consumption of wrong foods, which will lead to food poisoning and eventually stomach tenderness.
Allergies associated with food and intolerance to some food items (like celiac disease of Crohn's disease) may also create stomach tenderness. Acid reflux disease or heartburn is often responsible for stomach tenderness or pain after eating. The most common symptoms include irritation, sweating, fatigue, stomach cramps, appetite loss, diarrhea, enlargement of the lymph nodes located in the abdominal area, stomach pain, vomiting, and nausea.
For the treatment of stomach tenderness and associated gurgling noises and stomach palpitations to take place, the cause must be found first. Proper treatment always depends on the correct diagnosis, so please see a doctor if you have been experiencing this problem for a while.
Stomach Sounds: Prevention and Treatment
First of all, people need to chew their food properly. If people wish to reduce the amount of noises coming out of their stomach, they need to chew the food enough.
In addition to this, people may consider drinking warm mint tea after meals since this herb is capable of relaxing the bowels as well as the entire digestive system.
Alternatively, people should keep in mind that, the more air they swallow, the more air they will have trapped in the stomach. That air will then circulate around and create noise. This is why people should be careful while eating, yawning or breathing and use their lungs instead of their stomach.
Prevention of stomach palpitations is a far better option than treatment. A healthy lifestyle and healthy eating habits are essential.
However, when these symptoms occur, there are certain steps that can be taken in order to minimize the symptoms or their seriousness, but it greatly depends on the cause and severity of the case in question. The majority of people experience this problem as a mild nuisance.
Treating the underlying cause is important for people with certain gastrointestinal problems. What is important to stress out as well is that moderate but regular exercises, as well as eating at regular intervals is of great importance and gives the best and quickest results in dealing with this problem.
Foods that are rich in fibers are particularly helpful, because they help the digestive system to function better. Finally, there are certain types of food which stimulate the production of gases during digestion. A person who wants a silent stomach needs to make sure that he or she does not consume beans, broccoli, cabbage and other gassy vegetables.
If all these methods fail, one should seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
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