People suffering from upset stomach after the eating should not worry unless this is something they experience very often. In most cases this is minor and curable problem, frequently accompanied with abdominal pain and tenderness. Patients also report bloating, gases, acidic taste in the mouth and nausea and vomiting. Abdominal pain may also expand and affect the chest, shoulders and neck in some cases. Frequent episodes of upset stomach may lead to weakening of the body and weight loss and some of these patients experienced bloody vomits or blood in the stool.
What Can Cause Upset Stomach?
Acid reflux disease, stomach ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome are probably the most common reasons behind upset stomach. Patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), as the name suggests, experience constant irritation of the intestines and this is the primary source of pain. Since the eating or the food we eat causes bowel movements in irritated intestines it only worsens the current problem and patients usually feel even more pain.
Most stomach ulcers are caused by the presence of bacterium Helicobacter pylori, while stomach acid returned from the esophagus provokes acid reflux disease. Pregnancy and obesity are some of the conditions that may provoke acid reflux disease.
Additional causes of upset stomach may be medical condition such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis or the use of certain medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to relieve some pains. Taking too much coffee or alcohol as well as excess smoking can also cause upset stomach.
Relieve Upset Stomach
Before taking anything to treat your upset stomach your best option is to consult your doctor and let him or her check you up. After some physical examination and test of blood, urine and stool, it is likely that he or she will have the answer what has caused your upset stomach. Your medical history and eating habits may also be important and some patients might need to get X-ray, ultrasound or barium enema to diagnose the condition properly.
Only after the proper diagnosis you should take some medications to ease the pain and resolve the cause of upset stomach. Antacids are recommended for stomach ulcers, while patients suffering from the infection with H.pylori need to take some antibiotic drugs as well.
Taking more fluids, such as water or any clear fluid is proven to be helpful for people suffering from upset stomach. Eat your food chewing it properly and don’t overeat.
Minimize the amount of solid food you are eating while your stomach is upset. Also, use the easily digested food like lean proteins and whole grains and stay away from: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts, since these can be hard to digest. Don’t use red or black pepper or any other spices and fried food, because they won’t make you feel good at this moment. Apples, melons, citrus fruits, as well as alcohol, chocolate, coffee, onions or fatty food must be avoided at all costs.
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