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One of the very common complaints is upset stomach. This problem can be really uncomfortable for the patients and might even be associated with some pain. Depending on the exact cause of the problem, patients may experience different symptoms.

Eating unhealthy and improperly is often the cause of upset stomach, as well as some viral infections and stomach flu. On the other hand, if you are allergic to some food and then try to eat that, you might end up with stomach problems as well. Indigestion and extremely spicy food can also be reasons behind your upset stomach.

Certain medications can also be blamed for stomach discomfort and some are known to cause stomach problems as side effects of its use. However, if you have been suffering from some medical conditions, such as gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Helicobacter pylori infection or stomach ulcers you should know that these problems are identified as possible causes of upset stomach. Acid reflux disease and Crohn’s disease can also provoke stomach issues in some of the patients.

Symptoms of Upset Stomach

People rarely suffer only from stomach upset. Most of the patients coming to see the doctors about their problem experience some other symptoms.

Some patients complain about upset stomach while, in fact, this is actually stomach pain they have been feeling. In these people, symptoms may include some abdominal cramps and discomfort. If the doctor tries to touch the stomach, patients might even protect it and the area is usually very tender.

Upset stomach may be associated with nausea, especially if the cause of the problem is gastritis or stomach ulcer. Excessive accumulation of gases in the stomach may provoke bloating, flatulence, stomach distension and pain and many of the patients report these problems along the upset stomach.

Diarrhea can also be one of the symptoms patients report complaining about upset stomach. It usually happens if the cause of the problem is viral or some other infection of the intestines or complete digestive tract.

People suffering from upset stomach may notice different headaches, irritability or even dizziness while the problem lasts. Low grade fever can also accompany upset stomach and this can be seen in people suffering from typhoid or any other type of fever.

Upset Stomach Treatment

Upset stomach is not something to be worried about but it should not be neglected. Since prevention is always the best medicine, try to eat and live healthy to avoid these problems.

However, the best course of action for upset stomach is to treat the condition that has caused it in the first place. Excessive gases can be resolved by avoiding the food that is causing this problem. Gastritis sufferers should avoid spicy food and anything else that worsens their problem and follow gastritis diet.

Upset stomach requires certain diet, so you should eat light food, preferably fruits and avoid anything fatty. Green tea may also be very helpful for upset stomach.

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