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This article deals with the cold night sweats issue and it will provide you with some information regarding cold night sweats, their causes and treatment. People find it very disturbing and due to cold night sweat, they have difficulty in coping with everyday routine. It can be very annoying if you wake up night after night with your pyjamas soaked in sweat.

Causes of Cold Night Sweats

Idiopathic hyperhidrosis is a condition when one sweats too much, no matter if it is a day or a night. It is not accurately defined what causes excessive sweating, but it is thought that it has something to do with sweat glands not following the instructions sent out by the brain. Things that can contribute to idiopathic hyperhidrosis include some brain injuries or a response of the immune system because of some infections. In most cases, people who suffer from another condition like anemia, diabetes, epilepsy and many others, can experience cold night sweats.

Some other things that can be regarded as causes of cold night sweat may include HIV, lymphoma (type of cancer) and alcohol and drug use. Sweats during night can also occur as a side effect of some medications. Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea contribute to the appearance of cold night sweats, also. Hormonal imbalance and sudden change are also one of the causes for cold night sweats, and hormonal imbalance is likely to occur during pregnancy, after the pregnancy, and due to menopause.

Cold Night Sweats Treatment

In order to determine the proper method of treatment, the doctor has to diagnose the underlying condition. By treating that condition, he can reduce the cold night sweats and help in their decreasing. He would need to know a patient's medical history in order to set a proper diagnose. If a cold night sweat appears due to the usage of some medicine, a doctor can alter that medication.

Idiopathic hyperhidrosis is treated with a couple of methods, and they include the usage of anticholinergic medicines, since they have proven to be among the best in that area. If treated from anxiety sweats, beta-blockers are proven to be very good, but one has to bear in mind that these medications aren’t supposed to be used for a longer period of time, as they can cause many unwanted side effects. Botox injections can also be one of the options when dealing with cold night sweats, because, they can block the nerve and stop the unwanted sweating. If a problem is severe, a surgery may be required.

Along with these treatments, a patient is also advised on how to adjust his/her sleeping surroundings. It is desirable for a sleeping room to be cool, and one should go to bed after taking a cold shower. It would be good to avoid eating and drinking alcohol before sleep, and to wear clothes made of cotton.

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