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Information on Xylitol

Xylitol is usually pretty much unknown and unheard of by the public, but it affects the lives of most people on a regular daily basis. The human body is much more familiar with xylitol than the human consciousnessis. The human body itself produces 15 grams of xylitol each day because it is beneficial for a number of things which are health related. Xylitol is an integral part of numerous different types of medicaments and solutions. Xylitol is a crystalline substance which looks exactly the same as sugar, and it even has the same taste. It can be found in most types of vegetables and fruits, but it does not contain any sugar. Xylitol is one of the safest food additives known to man. It is one of the most important ingredients in sweeteners, nasal sprays and chewing gums.

Preventative Power

Xylitol is very efficient in preventing different types of bacteria from settling on the tissues of the throat, mouth, nose and ears. The bacteria are known for causing certain troubles such as tooth decay and dental caries, but xylitol prevents them from causing any damage. There are different types of sugar in virtually every different type of food. Each time a person consumes any type of sugar, the bacteria located in the mouth start producing acids which cause all the damage. Post nasal drip is another problem worth mentioning. The fluid from the nose often gets drained so it builds up in the throat or the sinuses and creates a perfect environment for an infection. Sinus infections can easily be identified by headaches and pressure. Nasal congestions may also lead to certain serious medical conditions which can only be treated by performing a surgery. Ear problems may also be present in some cases. The Eustachian tube connects the nose and the ear and it is also very susceptible to the collection of fluids, usually associated with swimming, bathing or allergies. Ear infection is sometimes referred to as otitis media and it can be characterized by swelling and painful sensations. Xylitol nasal spray can be used as a measure of precaution, on a regular basis. It is very important in preventing all the aforementioned types of infections and the upper respiratory one as well.

Other Benefits

Xylitol contains very small amounts of carbohydrates, it is absorbed by the body very slowly and it does not contain any sugar. It keeps the levels of sugar in the blood low and it may come very handy for all those who suffer from diabetes.

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