The importance of vitamins for our health
The fact is that our nutrition is very important for ourhealth, and as long as it is well balanced and contains all thenecessary minerals, vitamins and nutrients, the risks of developing some healthproblem or condition will be significantly decreased. Besides a healthy nutritionand healthy eating habits, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, whichmeans to exercise regularly and to try to avoid stress as much as possible. It isclear that stress is inevitable today, but since it is identified as one of themain causes of a number of diseases and health conditions, it is important tofind a way to cope with it and to reduce its effect.
All these elements are also important for losing weight in ahealthy way. If a person decides to stick to this plan, it might take a bitmore time to lose the extra pounds, but without any doubt, this way is muchhealthier than dieting. One more problem about losing weight with the help of dietsis the fact that at least a part of the lost pounds will return after the diet ends,because sooner or later, the greatest majority of people returns to old eatinghabits, which are usually not healthy.
Vitamins for weight loss
Since appetite, metabolism of fats and sugars, burning ofcalories and a number of other body functions that are related to weightcontrol depend on vitamins as well, in order to make them more efficient, it ishighly recommended to make sure that the body gets all the vitamins it needs inthe amounts needed. When it comes to weight management, it is believed that 22vitamins and minerals are important, but vitamin B2, vitamin B5, vitamin B6,choline, inositol and vitamin C are particularly important.
Vitamin B2 or riboflavin is necessary for a proper functionof metabolism and thyroid gland.Vitamin B3 or niacin is of crucial importance for productionof the thyroid hormones.Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid is essential for adrenalfunction and for the production of energy. If the body does not have sufficientamounts of this vitamin, its ability to use fat might be impaired.Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is also important for metabolismand production of the thyroid hormones.Choline and inositol are not real vitamins, but they areparts of vitamin B complex, and they are manufactured within the body. In casesof choline deficiency, fats will be trapped in the liver, and both of them assistin the metabolism of fat.Vitamin C is beneficial for a number of reasons, but it isalso important for the process in cells in which glucose is converted intoenergy.
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