Facts about Our Hair Color
There are several different hair colors the people all around the world may have. Red (orange), black, yellow(blond), and brown are just some of the main shades. The color ofone's hair greatly depends upon his or her pigments. On the otherhand, pigments themselves often depend upon a person's origin. Thus,people of African descent have black hair, Europeans andwhite-skinned people usually have brown, red, black or blond, whileAsian people possess brown or black colored hair. Also, depending onthe origin of the person, his or her hair may change pigmentation andstart getting more and more gray during different periods of life.For example, people of African origin tend to grow gray hair duringtheir forties, while white people and Asian people experience this intheir thirties. Nevertheless, this hair discoloration may take placebefore it is supposed to happen. Then, it is most probably caused bysome underlying health conditions.
Reasons Behind White or Gray Hair
First of all, this hair discolorationis a normal process of human aging. As we grow older our hair cellsproduce less and less melanin, which is the pigment giving our haircolor. Eventually melanin production ceases completely and our hairturns gray. The period of this metamorphosis varies with eachindividual, as it can be inherited by family, origin and otherdifferent factors.
As mentioned above, genetics play animportant role once it comes to gray hair onset. Some may havegenetic anomalies which may cause them to be born withoutpigmentation. These people are called albinos. In addition, if earlygraying of hair is common in your family, you might be struck by itas well.
Alternatively, vitamin deficiencies orgland disorders may be behind this phenomenon too. On the other hand,very often, stress is the main cause of premature appearance of grayhair. Thus, people who are exposed to stressful situations may easilybe affected by them, resulting in gray hair growing on their heads.Anxiety and excessive mental strain affect melanin production.Thereby, there is a high likelihood that hair discoloration of thistype will affect people under stress or people suffering from anxietydisorders.
Finally, people who suffer frompernicious anemia are unable to absorb vitamin B12 properly. Thisvitamin is crucial for proper hair pigmentation, and its deficiencyeasily leads to premature gray hair.
Therefore, people who startexperiencing gray hair, need to examine their lifestyles and checktheir health status. If something is causing this prematurecondition, they need proper diagnosis and, subsequently, propertreatment.
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