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There are a large number of people everywhere around theworld who suffer from numerous different types of scalp problems. One of themost common medical problems associated with scalp is tender scalp. There are numerousdifferent factors which may cause the scalp to become itchy, dry and tender. Aperson may also experience bumps, sores, blisters, itchiness, crusting and flakingof the scalp, once again due to a large number of different causes. Theseconditions may be rather frustrating, as in some cases the scalp may become sosore and tender that even mere movement of hair may cause painful andunpleasant sensations.

What Causes Tender Scalp?

In most cases, itchy and tender scalp is triggered by lackof hygiene. Some people tend to use various hair care products ratherexcessively, without paying attention to the fact that those products oftentend to contain various different sorts of harsh chemicals which may be heldresponsible for the onset of tender scalp. The biggest issue is a chemicalcalled sodium laureth sulphate, and it can be found in numerous different typesof shampoos, as it is a rather aggressive agent used for its cleaning andfoaming qualities. The harsh chemicals are very efficient in removing thenatural sebum from the scalp and also affecting its pH balance. Sebum is therefor a purpose, as it is intended to protect the scalp from fungal infections andother sorts of harmful microorganisms. Dry and tender scalp is known for beingvery susceptible to various harmful kinds of yeast organisms which can be heldresponsible for the flaking of the skin and the formation of dandruff. If aperson ties the hair too tightly it may lead to tenderness of hair follicles.The follicles may also get damaged or even destroyed by the aforementionedharsh chemicals commonly used in various different types of hair care products.The chemicals may also destroy the sebaceous glands and trigger scalppimples. Another common cause of tenderscalp is acne and it may be caused by an incorrect diet, blocked pores,hormonal causes, ingrown hair and various infections. Ringworm or tinea capitisis a fungal type of infection and it may also be the cause of tender scalp. Itis a yeast infection characterized by hair loss, redness and itchiness of thescalp. Allergic skin reactions can also be held responsible for the onset oftender scalp. There are also some types of viral infections which may triggertender scalp.

Treatment for Tender Scalp

Tender scalp is commonly treated by over the countermedcations, antifungal skin medication or various different types of naturaloils such as avocado, eucalyptus, chamomile or lavender oil.

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