Definition of tuna fish
Although considered unfit for eating by Japanese samurai, tuna is now one of the most popular fish, not just in Japan but worldwide. Historical fact is that shortage of sardines, that happen in the beginning if the 20th century in Japan, that brought attention to this very popular fish. Health benefits of fish as whole are very powerful, and especially with tuna.
Tuna fish help lower the blood pressure, prevents Alzheimer’s disease and coronary heart problems. Also tuna is excellent source of vitamins, minerals and proteins, and while there are some losses while being canned, tuna’s nutrition values are not significantly changed. So we can find a large amount of protein, omega 3 fatty acids like DHA and EPA, potassium, selenium and vitamins B12 in tuna.
Here is some of the well known and proven nutritional and health benefits of tuna fish;
Arthritis relief
There is scientific evidence from clinical trials that increase of dietary omega 3 fatty acids in tuna oil is very beneficent in cases of rheumatoid arthritis. Also glycemic index of tuna is O, which is excellent and means that, as a food, tuna has no negative supplement.
Cancer prevention
Various studies conducted on thousands of women shows that tuna and other fatty fish consumption reduces risks of kidney cancer significantly.
Prevention of macular degradation
Studies are shown that omega 3 fatty acids find in tuna fish and regular consumption of it reduces risk of age related macular degeneration.
Prevention of high blood pressure
Various world wide studies conducted on 4500 people, both man and women, shows the omega 3 fatty acids find in tuna fish beneficially regulate problems with high blood pressure.
Reduced risk of stroke
Again, studies conducted internationally on 4750 adults in older age (between 65-95 years), both male and female, shows that usage of fish, especially tuna, in daily diet reduces risks of stroke, by 30%. On the other hand fried fish consumption elevates risk of stoke and ischemic stroke significantly.
Prevention of Coronary heart diseases
In overall studies, having a tuna fish at least twice a week reduces risks of dementia by 28%, elevates cognitive performance in elderly people, reduces the risks of Alzheimer’s disease (by regular intake of EPA and DHA fatty acids found in tuna) and significantly reduces risk of various coronary and heart diseases.
Studies also shows that regular consumption of tuna fish on weekly basis and intake of different types of n-3 fatty acids, found in tuna, can reduce risks of old age diseases in elderly citizens, like dementia and Alzheimer’s. Study participants who consume fish more that once per week has 60% less risk of those diseases.
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