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Children and adults can experience various health benefits of fish oil. It will be beneficial for adults in terms of reducing cholesterol, protecting the heart and blood vessels and preventing heart diseases and stroke. But children are still growing and developing, and fish oil helps them in correct physical and mental progress.

Fish Oil and Physical and Mental Development

The most important ingredients of fish oil are Omega 3 fatty acids that provide proper mental and emotional development to children. There is a reason why it is said that fish oil improves the memory and learning skills. It is proven that children with Omega-3 fatty acids deficiency suffer from emotional problems and disturbances in learning, as well as some forms of attention and hyperactivity disorders.

Most of the baby's brain is composed of eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) omega-3 fatty acids. They also make a large part of the nervous system. The baby’s body must contain a sufficient number of Omega 3 fatty acids - EPA and DHA to provide proper forming cells of the nervous system.

Except for the development of the nervous system and other vital functions, these fats are important for the development of vision and proper formation of retinal. Other positive effects of fish oil fatty acids include significantly reducing the risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke. Omega-3 fatty acids lower the level of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and increase the level of protective HDL cholesterol, regulate high blood pressure, reduce inflammatory processes and other.

Interestingly, the omega-3 fatty acids regulate the secretion and activity of the serotonin -a neurotransmitter known as a hormone of happiness, so their positive effects on mild forms of depression have been identified.

Fish Oil and Asthma

The use of fish oil may reduce symptoms of asthma caused by physical exertion. One study has shown that fish oil reduces the constriction of the airways and thus the need for using drugs. Also, this study has shown that children who consume larger amounts of fish oil in the diet have a lower risk of developing asthma. Children who had received 300mg of fish oil daily felt significant improvement of asthma symptoms.

Besides fish oil, foods that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids are fish (especially mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, salmon), flax seeds, walnuts, soy, and beans. If it is difficult to ensure these vital acids to the child through food, consult with your doctor about the best capsules with sufficient amounts of DHA and EPA Omega-3 fatty acids.

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