Parsley is remarkable spice used in numerous cuisines. This plan has been neglected even though its high health boosting potential is amazing. The taste of parsley is rather specific and it makes most of the dishes edible. It is available in every single grocery.
A variety of parsley health benefits are obvious and it should be consumed regularly. It takes only a sprinkle of this plant to improve the flavor of the food. It can be used fresh or in a form of already made spice. There are two specific types of components of this spice. The first one are unstable oil components such as myristicin, limonene, eugenol and alpha. The other group includes flavonoids such as apiin, apigenin, crisoeriol and luteolin. These constituents are responsible for parsley's outstanding health effects.
Take myristicin for example. Some studies have shown that it is good in inhibition of tumor growth in animals. Additionally it may be helpful in fighting against certain molecules that damage body cells. Parsley's oils are actually chemoprotective which means that they can be neutralize certain types of carcinogens (substances responsible for tumor occurrence). Benzopyrenes are one of carcinogens that can be destroyed by parsley's components.
Flavonoids present in parsley act as powerful antioxidants. The damage of the cells caused by free radicals to which we are all exposed every day may be perfectly prevented by parsley and its active components. Apart from flavonoids vitamin C can be a great helper in battle against free radicals. Vitamin C together with vitamin A is abundantly present in this plant. Since vitamin C is important for maintenance of connective tissue this means that parsley can lead to proper functioning and prevents damage of the tissue that is involved in construction of numerous organs and organ systems. Having a great potential in fighting against inflammation vitamin C is good for osteoarthritis as well as for rheumatoid arthritis.
Folic acid is rather important agent in battle against homocysteine which is molecule that can do harm to blood vessels. Therefore eating parsley may be beneficial in reduction of risk for development of certain heart conditions because folic acid is another mighty component of parsley. Heart attack, atherosclerosis or even heart conditions that are related to diabetes may be significantly reduced. As folic acid also plays significant role in appropriate division of cells its levels have to be normal and this way certain types of cancer such as colorectal or breast cancer may be prevented.
Still the specific measures of care have to be taken when parsley is consumed. Those people who are prone to forming of oxalate stones within urinary tract should better avoid eating parsley as this plant is rich in oxalates and increased levels of these substances lead to their crystallization and serious problems.
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