How does anear candle work?
Ear candlesare not exactly like the real candles, but they resemble them closely enough astheir outer layer is made of wax. Inside the wax is a cotton wrap, and thewhole thing is made in the shape of a cone and hollow. The way an ear candleworks is by putting one of its ends inside the ear and light the other one onfire. Since the ear candle is unfilled, the smoke from the lit part of thecandle is able to draw the ear wax towards itself. This manner of getting ridof the wax from the ears is considered to be particularly effective because itis able to clean the ear canal much deeper than any of the other methods,therefore, leaving the person free of ear wax for a much longer time period.
What arethe consequences of using ear candles?
While manypeople claim that ear candling is the most natural way possible to rid the earsof the wax, not everyone thinks that it has more benefits than drawbacks. Manypeople are completely opposed to the use of ear wax as they believe that it canseriously damage the ears, which needs to be taken into consideration seriouslybecause the ears are considered to be some of the most sensitive organs. Also,there is no guarantee that no wax from the candle will drip into the ear andcause some irreparable damage.
These areall valid issues that one must be aware of before deciding to start using earcandles.
How the process of ear candling is performed
The processof ear candling, with the whole lighting on fire method, might sound a bitfrightening. But on the contrary, the process is very simple indeed. However,the assistance of another person is necessary.
The firstthing to do is prepare all the items that are required in order to perform earcandling. These include the ear candles of recommended quality, a paper platewith a hole in the middle, a lighter and a dish filled with water.
When that’sdone, the narrower part of the candle should go inside the paper plate hole forabout 5 inches of depth. This item should be placed inside the ear of a personwho is lying on their side and facing the ceiling.
The finalstep is lighting the candle. It’s probably obvious that it is the broad part ofthe candle that is to be burnt and left that way until it is close to theplate. This terminates the ear candling process and the candle is to bedisposed into the water.
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