Ear Wax
Ear wax is a substance in the ear that defends the ear canal from outdoor contaminants and bacteria. It forms a coat on the skin inside your ear and it also lubricates and protects your ear canal from becoming too dry and irritated.
However, too much ear wax can cause blockage and pain in your ear. The other symptoms may include ringing in the ear and impaired ability to hear in the affected ear. You may also experience vertigo and coughing.
The cause of ear wax buildup is the overproduction of wax produced by the gland in the ear canal. You may be at greater risk of ear problems if you do not maintain proper ear hygiene if you clean your ears with cotton buds instead of cloth, and if you have excess hair in the ear.

In case the symptoms of ear wax blockage are intense and especially if your hearing is impaired, you should seek medical help. The treatment involves excess ear wax removal. There are several techniques that can be applied, such as putting ear drops, irrigation with warm water or a solution that contains hydrogen peroxide, or removing the wax with a special instrument called a curette.
Home Treatment
You can treat ear wax buildup with paraffin oil or some other similar mineral oil. You should take 2 or 3 spoons of paraffin oil and warm it just a little bit. The best way to put the oil into your ear is to use an eye dropper.After you filled the dropper with the paraffin oil, lie on the side and carefully put the oil in the affected ear. Stay in the still position for 5 minutes, and then pour out the wax of the ear. After that take some warm water and rinse your ear with it. The water will wash out the excess wax.
It is recommended to take some diluted solution of apple cider vinegar and rinse your ear with it. This will help re-establish the normal pH balance in your ear.
- Ear infection symptoms can come on quickly. Signs and symptoms may look different in children than adults. Depending on their age, you may have to look for certain signs when your child can't tell you their ear hurts.
- Homeopathic remedies come from the belief that "like cures like." That means that what causes disease symptoms in healthy individuals will cure the same symptoms in ill people. Most remedies are a combination of a natural substance and a synthetic compound to enhance the therapeutic benefits. You should choose the right dosage with caution, so you don't experience severe effects.
- Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) works best for ear pain that fluctuates. It is accompanied by a fever, flushing, and sensitivity to light. You should have a quick response to belladonna. Belladonna works by blocking some functions of your nervous system, and the plant itself is highly toxic. Dosages will depend on the severity of your condition. For acute cases, 30C is recommended. For severe cases, you may need 200C, 1M, or 10M.
- Wolfsbane (Aconitum napellus) is another commonly recommended home remedy for ear infections. It works best for ear pain that comes on quickly, and often after you're outside in the cold and wind. This remedy works best when you also have a high fever, agitation, and a feeling of restlessness. The recommended dosage is 200C. You should take 10 doses orally three times a day or as directed by your doctor.
- Ferrum phosphoricum remedy is best for ear infections that have just started and don't have severe symptoms. The recommended dosage is 30CH GR. Adults should take five granules three times daily, and children should take three granules three times daily. You should consult with your doctor about the right dosage. Taking too much can result in an overdose, and you should contact the Poison Control Center immediately.
In order to prevent problems with ear wax you should not clean your ears with cotton buds because they can cause damage to the ear canal and because they can push the wax deeper into the canal. In rare cases, you may even rupture the eardrum if you push the cotton bud too hard. You should clean your ears with a piece of cloth wrapped around your finger.
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