The pills in questionfall into the category of vitamin supplements that are most frequentlyemployed in those cases when people suffer from deficiency in vitamin B3. Thisvitamin is extremely important for us because our body needs it in order toprovide the essential energy for the proper functioning of the metabolism, aswell as in order to be able to keep control of the levels of our bloodpressure. All people are aware of the importance of all vitamins for the mostproper functioning of the entire body and the organs, including the internalmetabolic processes. Having vitamin B complex in mind, it needs to be pointedout that it is comprised of many different vitamins such as Vitamin B1, B2, B5,B6, B9, B12, as well as Biotin, Choline and Inositol. The Vitamin B3 itself,otherwise known as niacin, is water-solublein nature. Also, for those who seek to find it in its most natural form, it ispresent in a couple of plants, as well as animals. Given its soluble nature, thisvitamin is also fairly easily excreted from the person’s body and thus the needto consume it on regular basis by means of food varieties and also pills.
In most cases, thefood we eat is enough to keep our niacin storage full – milk, fish, eggs, meat,yeast, green vegetables, multi-grain cereals are all considered to be richsources of this vitamin. But some people, unfortunately, are not able to absorbthe preferred amounts of niacin and therefore, they are suffering from a deficiencyknown as pellagra. It is these people, above all, who are in need of niacin supplementsin order to be able to make up for the deficiency itself and enhance theproductivity of their metabolism and bodily processes.
How to acquire them?
Niacin in the formof pills can be acquired either as a prescription medicine, or in the form ofa non-prescription dietary supplement. What these pills do is compensate in ashort period of time for all the niacin deficiencies, thus providing themetabolism with plenty of energy to keep it going. What they also do is enhancethe levels of that beneficial cholesterol.
In case of adultmales, the recommended dosage is 19 mg, and when it comes to adult females, thatdosage is somewhat smaller, i.e. 13 mg. Women who bear a child are advised totake around 15 mg on a daily basis, whereas lactating mothers around 18 mg on adaily basis. Those who seek to decrease the cholesterol levels should take 1000to 5000 mg.
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