Eyes and Eyesight Problems
We are blessed with our eyes, parts of our body which offer us sight, a whole new perspective to our existence. Surely, without sight, life loses a dimension and becomes less vivid. This is why all of us are taught to keep our eyes safe, provide them rest and take good care of them, avoiding any ocular problems which might take place due to many factors we are exposed to in the world nowadays. Pollution, malnutrition, junk food, computer exposure and many other factors can trigger the deterioration of our eyesight, making us lose the quality of this extraordinary sense of ours. However, this does not have to be so, since there are many different exercises which can help one preserve his/her sharp vision for many days to come. These exercises have many benefits and positive characteristics. Therefore, in order to gain the most from them, you are advised to practice them regularly.
Why Performing Vision CorrectionExercises?
These exercises are designed to activate your eyes in specific ways, helping them better your vision. This is achieved through a positive effect these activities have for the blood circulation in your eyes, the stress-relieving effect which goes hand-in-hand with the process and the relaxation of eye muscles which, again, is one of the main characteristics of these exercises. All these are bound to help you have a better vision once you grow old, since your eyes will be in a good condition due to the vision correction exercises you performed beforehand.
Vision Correction Exercises
One of the basic ground rules of vision correction and preservation is to keep your eyes relaxed and relieved of tension. Therefore, once you realize you have spent too much time staring at your computer screen or your TV set, stop doing that and divert your sight to something different, like an object in your room, or green, natural beauty from a tree or a park nearby. Alternatively, you might wash your eyes with cold water in order to provide them stress relief. However, be careful not to press or rub them too hard during the process.
Next, comes the importance of blinking. Blinking is an activity which keeps our eyes clean and relaxed. Therefore, we need to blink often, especially when we are concentrating upon something visually, since then we are prone to cease this otherwise involuntary activity.
Since our neck and our eyes are connected regarding the blood vessels necessary to be unconstrained for maximum eye performance, you might provide this by turning your face at the sun, closing your eyes and slowly moving your head from one side to the other for about 5 minutes daily.
Those who suffer from shortsightedness can place a box, for example, at about 6 feet distance from them and another object a food farther. Then, they should focus first of the box and, later, change their focus on the other object, doing this until both of these become clearly visible.
Finally, for farsightedness, you might try focusing your vision on your finger placed 6 inches from your face and then, after 5 minutes of this, change the focus to an object located several meters farther.
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