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Given the fact that they do not even remotely resemble conventional medicines, proper and ready-known dosages of herbs depend primarily on the condition in question.
Valerian Root
In scientific circles it is also known as Valeriana officinalis and it belongs to a category of flowering plants, most common to regions of Europe and partly Asia. Buds of valerian turn into small flowers white and pink in color, and they are characterized also by a sweet scent. Valerian root has been known to people for quite some time. In the beginning the flowers were mostly used for perfume production, and the root for curing various diseases. And in ancient Greek and Rome it had been used as the most effective “cure” for insomnia. As for today, the root is readily available in different forms, most of all in capsules and used as a supplement to peoples’ daily diet. As far as its liquid form is concerned, as well as the tea-form, it is most often used for therapeutic purposes.
Proper Dosages
As is the case with the greatest majority of herbs, the proper dosage depends most of all on the form of the herb in question, and also on the nature of the condition or a disease in question. This is also the case with the root of valerian. Its most frequent usage included employment for the treatment of a great variety of medical conditions, most of all anxiety and insomnia. Other usages include the employment in the treatment of such conditions as digestion issues and migraine, among others. The forms it can be found in are tincture, tea, tablets and capsules. Given the fact that there have not been enough extensive researches done on this subject, the general proper dosage is yet to be officially standardized. On the other hand, what has been discovered after a number of clinical trials is that in treating insomnia and anxiety only small quantities of valerian root are needed.
Insomnia/Anxiety treatment
When it comes to insomnia, it is highly recommended that the predetermined dosage should be taken at least one hour prior to going to sleep at night. In case the effect is not satisfying, a person should try taking it even earlier. If a person is taking the standardized form of the root extract, then the proper dosage should range from 30-400 mg per day, no less and no more on a daily basis. As for the tincture, the dosage is approximately half a teaspoon, also on a daily basis. Tablets/capsule dosage ranges from 300-500 mg, while when it comes to tea, one to two cups per day are the recommended dosage. The proper dosage for anxiety related conditions depends on the severity of anxiety, as well as on the condition a person in question is in.

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