The problem of underarm sweating
Axillary hyperhidrosis is the clinical name for the excessive underarm sweating. It is a quite an embarrassing condition, which almost everyone has experienced many times in life. Luckily, there are numerous solutions to this problem.

Natural remedies for underarm sweating
The people who have a problem with constant excessive underarm sweating should wear clothes that are not tight fitting, but loose. Thus, the underarm skin can breathe better than when the person wears some uncomfortable cloths and the skin in the armpit is constricted, which results in the production of much sweat. Furthermore, the person with this problem should shave the underarm hairs as to prevent the excessive sweating and foul-smelling odor caused by the trapped water in this area.
Excessive underarm sweating can be reduced by avoiding some foods that may cause this embarrassing and uncomfortable condition. Garlic and onion, as well as coffee, nicotine and spicy foods, tend to raise the temperature of the body and thus cause excessive smelly armpit sweating. Healthy diet can solve this problem.
Aside from these causes, excessive armpit sweating may be result of overweight since obesity causes overactive functioning of the glands. Therefore, weight loss can be a solution to the underarm sweating in obese and overweight people.
Apple cider vinegar is considered to be the best armpit sweating solution since it contains the acids that eliminate the bacteria which cause odor. It should be applied at night and washed off when the person gets up in the morning. Afterwards, an underarm deodorant should be used. Extreme nervousness, anxiety and stress tend to cause excessive sweating almost in everyone. The only solution to the sweating induced by these reasons is to avoid, reduce or manage these states. Certain relaxation and meditation techniques may be of great help.
Aluminum chloride is among the best armpit sweating solutions. 20% of aluminum chloride should be applied in the lying position and left to dry entirely. Afterwards, it should be taped with plastic wrap and left overnight. It is not recommended to use this solution on the recently shaved skin. Aluminum chloride penetrates deep into the skin and locks the sweat glands, thus reducing the underarm sweating.
There are also several surgical options to get rid of the too much underarm sweating.
Sympathectomy operation is a procedure in which the nerves that regulate sweating are treated.In the liposuction procedure, some sweat glands are removed from the skin.There is also a surgery in which the layer of the skin with the strongest sweat glands can be removed.
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