Genital warts and cervical cancer can develop due to the HPV virus. HPV is short for Human papilloma virus and it is a type of virus that is responsible for some sexually transmitted disease, but a high risk HPV is dangerous more than the ordinary HPV because it can lead to some fatal consequences. High risk HPV is transmitted in most cases through sexual intercourse or just by external contact with genitals. Sadly, but true, HPV can also be transmitted by a mother to her baby during the delivery. In this text, we will inform you about some other ways of high risk HPV transmission, its causes, risks factors and treatment.
HPV Types and Risk Factors
In medicine there are over 120 types of HPV and 40 of them can influence the genital tract. In these 40 types of HPV, 13-19 of them fall under the category of high risk HPV. If one is leading an active sexual life, he/she should consider that it is likely to get high risk HPV, because the risk factors of HPV include unprotected sex, multiple partners and sexual intercourse at an early age.
Symptoms that may indicate that you are affected by high risk HPV virus aren’t so obvious, and in many cases they are neglected or overlooked. But, there are cases when one is experiencing obvious symptoms of high risk HPV virus and those symptoms include the appearance of genital warts, cervical cancer, and other warts. Genital warts belong to typical symptoms of high risk HPV virus and they can appear in men and women. The manifestation of genital warts after the sexual intercourse from which you have received high risk HPV virus may need months. In some cases, genital warts may vanish on their own, but in others they may increase in size causing a lot of pain. Cervical cancer is not a symptom that appears very frequently, but it appears in the case of the high risk HPV virus presence in the body for more than two years. But, cervical cancer is the final stage and that is why an early diagnosis is essential. In order to get an early diagnosis, women should do regular check ups based on pap smear procedure. There are some other cancers that can develop due to high risk HPV virus and they include cancers of vulva, anus, penis, vagina, head, neck, tongue and tonsils.
High Risk HPV Test and Treatment
A unique test than can detect the presence of HPV virus in our body has not been discovered, but in that purpose, some other tests are conducted. In women, pap smear test is used apart from other things, for detecting HPV infection. A thorough and overall examination of genitals can also confirm the presence of HPV virus. It is more difficult in men as there aren’t any tests, so the diagnosis can be done only by examination of penis. So, it is more reliable to protect yourself from HPV virus by practicing safe sex.
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