How would you feel if someone told you that you will be able to run for 10km in just 6 weeks? We will show you how to get ready for most famous fun-run in Canada, Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope. This event has a 29-year tradition and it gathers more people every year. This 6-week program presented to you is easy to stick with and it will keep you motivated. Its purpose is not only the marathon, but also the necessity to make you fit, slim and healthier.
We present you:
Beginners walk or jog program Strength exercises in order to avoid pain and injuries Recipes to boost-up your energy Equipment selectionFirst of all, pick the event you plan to attend and begin with the training. I've organized a group in order to prepare as much people I can for this race. Feel invited to join me on Team Fiterati in Toronto. Starting August 3rd, we will inform you about this program through Fiterati blog. We offer you free training program based on Running Room's experience and fitness advices on our blog.
Which program should I stick to?
Walking and jogging
If you are a new runner, out of training or concerned about potential pain, this might be the best choice you can make. This program will improve your stamina, teach you one or two things about fitness and put off some weight and make you proud of yourself. This program enables you to get through these 10k right from your sofa in a small amount of time.
Running and walking
This program is designed for people whose goal is to lose some weight and who are moderately fit. The people who practiced running and other sorts physical activity, but haven't found the full joy in what they were doing will find this type of practice useful and enjoyable. These six weeks will help this category of people to regain their shape and stamina and improve their health.
Many of colleagues signed to help. Alex Hutchinson provided various articles at SweatScience blog, in order to help. Fiterati blog will introduce some new features, tools and links at the course of boosting your confidence up. You just have to find the nearest Terry Fox event location, select the program and start.
Don't forget to follow our blog in order to get some new information, you're welcome to follow me on Tweeter and make suggestions. There will be some interesting articles, some nice interviews, many advices, many stories from runners, and ordinary people as well.
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