A Brief Introduction
Itis widely known that aside from the usual treatments, aromatherapymay also be used as a means of treating a number of mental disorders. Thisis because the essential oils applied in this form of treatment havegot relaxing and calming effects on the human mind – and maythusly soothe stress, unwind a tired body and, in turn, lull and helpthe sufferer overcome insomnia.
Butbefore any treatment may be suggested, it is necessary for a personto learn a few things about insomnia, read about what it exactlyinvolves and how it may incommode a person's general health andwell-being.
What is insomnia?
Simplyput, insomnia (a.k.a. sleeplessness) is the inability of a person toobtain sufficient quantities of sleep. This condition is fairlycommon in the modern word. Namely, it is believed that about 20% ofthe world's population is inhibited by insomnia. A person who hastrouble falling asleep, may not stay asleep for very long or has the tendency of waking up very early in the morning is most likely one ofthe victims of insomnia.
Insomnia may be classed intro three categories. Transient insomnia, whichshouldn't last for more than a week; short-term insomnia, whichshouldn't last for longer than a month; and long-term, that is tosay, chronic insomnia which may last for several months. The lastkind if, of course, the most dangerous sort when it comes to healthand wellness.
Insomniamay be triggered by a rich variety of factors: upsetting situations,stress, caffeine overdoses, nicotine, alcohol consumption, snoring,breathing problems (such as asthma), changes in the person's sleepschedule, poor environmental conditions and behavioral psychiatricfactors (i.e. anxiety or depression). But the most obscure causes of insomnia would be due to insomnia phobia. What this meansis that a person is unable to fall asleep "for fear of not beingable to fall asleep", which is, you'd have to agree, a prettytight spot.
Toname a few health conditions which may come as a result of insomnia:poor memory, affected life and well-being, nervousness, irritationand tiredness, chronic depression and immunity disorders.
How may it be overcomevia aromatherapy?
Amongstthe first tips of treating insomnia would be, of course, the onesconcerning prevention: avoiding stress, adopting a regular sleeproutine, making the bedroom extra cosy and quiet, avoiding caffeine,nicotine and alcohol, and so forth. Atop of that, a diet rich incalcium, magnesium and B6 vitamins is also known to prevent insomnia. Additionally, a cup of chamomile is also known to have sedativeeffects when taken before sleep.
Nextoff, the use of essential oils should be most helpful in treatinginsomnia. The particular oils used in this case would be: Lavender,Marjoram, Chamomile, Rose and Sandalwood.
Soothingbedroom atmosphere may be created by use of aromatherapy burners orcandles. Alternatively a drop of the preferred essential oil could beadded to a liter of of hot water, and then scented (while keeping assafe distance of about 50cm away from the water).
Otherthan that pillows and handkerchief or even aromatherapy massages maybe used as well.
Ultimately,quite possibly the best way of experiencing aromatherapy would betaking a dip into an aromatherapy bath.
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