Information on Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy massage oils are specific types of oils whichare commonly extracted from various sorts of plants and their flowers. They arevery popular because they provide the human body with energy, healing andnumerous other health benefits. The word aromatherapy is derived from twodifferent words which stand for fragrance and treatment. Various plants, theirflowers and essences have been used to provide energy, heal different ailmentsand relax a person for numerous centuries. Aromatherapy has been utilized backin the days of ancient China, Egypt and India. In the ancient Egypt, peoplehave used infusion for the extraction of the oils from aromatic plants and theyhave used those oils for numerous different sorts of embalming, cosmetic andmedicinal purposes. The ancient Chinese have used these powerful herbalremedies for similar purposes as well. They also burned incense and aromaticwood during various sacred rituals. The traditional Indian medicine knownwidely as Ayurveda has practiced the use of aromatherapy essential oils formore than 3000 years. Essential oils are very efficient in stimulating both thebody and the mind.
Benefits of Aromatherapy:
Essential oils are very efficient in aiding in beauty andoverall health. They can also be inhaled in order to stimulate the brain andtrigger certain beneficial processes in the human body. Those who suffer fromdepression, tension, anxiety and insomnia, and those who deal with chemotherapymay find the essential oils to be very helpful for their troubles. Essentialoils may also be used as very efficient natural pesticides and repellents.
Essential Oils
Bergamot is one of the most commonly used essential oilsbecause it is very efficient in dealing with depression, insomnia, anxiety andstress. Another beneficial essential oil is cardamom and it boosts theconfidence, sense of direction and concentration. Cypress essential oilstimulates the circulation and it can be used for the treatment of variousailments. Another soothing essential oil is eucalyptus lemon. It also has verypotent antiseptic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. Fennel sweetessential oil may come in very handy for all those who suffer from differenttypes of digestive problems. Pregnant women should not use it. Another stressrelieving essential oil is made from germanium. Helichrysum essential oil canalso be used for the treatment of numerous medical conditions. Jasmine sambacessential oil is an excellent aphrodisiac and antidepressant. Another extremelypotent essential oil is derived from the peppermint plant.
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