Numerous medical studies prove that having a furry creature can lower your blood pressure and most of all provide you with a calming effect. "There is no direct prove that petting a dog or a cat can help you conceive a child, but it can definitely give you a five-minute vacation from the pressures of life", says Bonnie V. Beaver, D.V.M., president of The American Veterinary Medical Association and professor at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. However, there is an indirect link between pets and better chances of conception: petting as form of de-stressing can only be helpful when trying to conceive.
There are also studies available that caring for a person or an animal also helps in transition into parenthood by giving a person a primer course of responsibility, because when person cares for an animal it shifts the focus to someone who needs your care, someone other than yourself. Additionally, a pet brings a sense of playfulness into person's life: something that you will need when you have a baby. Of course it is important to bring out at that place that a pet does not take the place of a baby, but it can help a couple to prepare for the arrival of a new member of a family. However, once that day comes, when the baby arrives, a pet has to be prepared for the arrival.
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