Rodenticide is rat poison, it contains the toxin called warfarin, This will give a dog symptoms like hemorrhaging and internal bleeding. This is one of the most known deadliest poisons that your pet can eat and unfortunately is the most common ingredient in a rat poison.
The toxin warfarin is an anticoagulant chemical that interrupt the blood's job of clotting. Unfortunately even if the poison laid down for rats doesn’t have warfarin in it, it can still be lethal. Look out for symptoms like pale gums, weakness in general bloody Nose and in the urine and feces and even coughing up blood. The animal will also more than likely be suffering with internal bleeding and you may notice a distended, Firm Abdomen because of the bleeding. It is a myth to think there is vomiting when rat poison is digested. You dog will usually find the rat poison in a home, shed, and barn or anywhere the rat prisoner believes there are rats. This is why it’s important to talk with neighbors and ask them to warn you about any future rat poison placement. Sometimes a dog may unfortunately eat a rat that has already digested a rat poison this is called indirect poison. Another unfortunate fact is most pet owners misinterpret their pets illness for something other than rat poison. And yet another unfortunate fact is a huge percent of pets, mainly dogs that eat rat poison will inevitably die because there usually are not any outer symptoms and in actual fact the symptoms are happening all inside like the bleeding.The symptoms are normally seen about thirty six to forty eight hours after the animal has eaten the rat poison it takes this long because the body has proteins in it which helps with the clotting of blood.
If your dog has digested rat poison the best course of treatment would be to give big amounts of vitamin K this will assist with the body’s ability to clot the blood. Using a IV fluid and a possible transfusion of blood would help.
Instead of using a rat poison the best method and course of action would be to use humane rodent traps instead of a rat poison.There is a cage trap called a Havahart Trap it is used to catch rats and other animals. After catching the rat it can then be released back in to the wild and this will in effect not cause any harm to rat or dog.
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