There are number of beneficial effects of this beverage thathas become popular also due to good taste and rich flavor it holds. In thistext, we will focus on the nutritional facts associated with tea. Leaves from aplant called camellia sinensis is used for the preparation of this beverage,which is second most popular one, after the water. There are six techniquesused for the preparation of this tea, which is made from the same plant. Thisleads to the fact there are six types of tea, which are pu-erh, oolong, yellow,black, green and white tea. Many conditions were treated with the help fromthis beverage in the ancient China. This is very popular beverage and due tothis, many studies were conducted in order to indulge its beneficial effects.Studies have come to the conclusion that tea can prevent or lower the risk formany disorders and diseases.
Nutritional Facts
There are no calories in a tea made without any sugar ormilk, but if sugar and milk are added, there are calories involved. There are88gmcg of fluoride; 7mg of sodium, 87g of potassium, 2.4mg of phosphorus, and7.1mg of magnesium is 237g of tea. It also has 11.9mcg of foliate and it givesdaily need for fluoride, which promotes strong teeth and bones. In the tea,there are as well flavonoids, polyphenols, catechins, vitamin B6, riboflavin,thiamine and vitamin C.
All of these ingredients give tea strong antioxidantproperties, mostly due to flavonoids, polyphenols and catechins. Free radicalscan cause damage to the tissue and cells and these ingredients can reduce thisdamage. Also, they can prevent oxidizing of the tissue and the cells in thebody, and prevent many diseases that can be even life-threatening. Now we willsee which benefits tea holds on human body, but these effects are connectedwith the moderate and proper intake of tea. Tea can reduce the risk of strokes,heart attack, lower cholesterol, increase the speed of a metabolism, promoteweight loss, burn calories (especially green tea), prevent diabetes, protectfrom cardiovascular diseases, lower blood pressure, reduce blood stiffness,bring improvement of the cardiovascular system, protect from the esophagealcancer, ovarian cancer, skin and gastric cancer, strengthen the bones, decreasedepression, reduce stress, increase mental alertness and make immune systemstrong. Along with these beneficial effects, there are some side effectsinvolved as well. Problems associated with these are mostly connected withaddiction or overdose. Kidneys can be in danger due to the oxalate contained inthe tea. Medical problems may be caused by fluoride and all of this makes tea abeverage that can be beneficial on the human body, but only if properly usedand consumed.
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